Residual Skill Policies: Learning an Adaptable Skill-based Action Space for Reinforcement Learning for Robotics
Official PyTorch implementation for the publication Residual Skill Policies: Learning an Adaptable Skill-based Action Space for Reinforcement Learning for Robotics (CoRL 2022)
- python 3.7+
- mujoco 2.1
- Ubuntu 18.04
To install MuJoCo follow the instructions here.
Clone the repository
git clone
Ensure conda is installed and configured for your system. Create a conda environment and install all required packages.
cd reskill
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate reskill_new
pip install -e .
cd reskill
To collect a dataset using the scripted controllers run the following command:
python data/ --num_trajectories 40000 --subseq_len 10 --task block
There are two sets of tasks block
and hook
The dataset collected for the block
tasks can be used to train a downstream RL agent in the FetchPyramidStack-v0
, FetchCleanUp-v0
and FetchSlipperyPush-v0
The dataset collected for the hook
task is used to train the downstream RL agent in the FetchComplexHook-v0
We collect the demonstration data for the hook and block based environments in the FetchHook-v0
and FetchPlaceMultiGoal-v0
environments respectively.
You can alternatively download a pre-collected dataset from here and place the unzipped dataset
folder in the root of the repository.
To train the skill modules on the collected dataset run the following command:
python --config_file block/config.yaml --dataset_name fetch_block_40000
To visualise the performance of the trained skill module run the following command:
python utils/ --dataset_name fetch_block_40000 --task block --use_skill_prior True
To train the ReSkill agent using the trained skill modules, run the following command:
python --config_file table_cleanup/config.yaml --datatset_name fetch_block_40000
All results are logged using Weights and Biases. An account and initial login is required to initialise logging as described on thier website.
|-- data # collected demonstration data
|-- reskill # contains all executable code
| |-- configs # all config files for experiments
| | |-- rl # config files for rl experiements
| | `-- skill_mdl # config files for both skill vae and skill prior
| |-- data # dataset specifc code for collection and loading
| |-- models # holds all model classes that implement forward and loss
| |-- results # stores all trained pytorch models for both skill and rl modules
| |-- rl # all code related to rl
| | |-- agents # implements core algorithms for rl agents
| | |-- envs # defines the set of environments for data collection and training
| | `-- utils # utilities for multiprocessing and training distributed rl agents
| |-- utils # general utilities for data management and testing trained modules
| | `-- controllers # set of scripted controllers used for data collection
| `-- wandb # logging data from wandb
title={Residual Skill Policies: Learning an Adaptable Skill-based Action Space for Reinforcement Learning for Robotics},
author={Rana, Krishan and Xu, Ming and Tidd, Brendan and Milford, Michael and S{\"u}nderhauf, Niko},
journal={Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2022},
ImportError: cannot import name 'PILLOW_VERSION' from 'PIL'
This is due to a Pillow version mismatch between the versions installed by mujoco-py and pytorch. A compatible package that fixes the issue is:
conda install pillow=6.1
Creating window glfw
ERROR: GLEW initalization error: Missing GL version
Error when rendering a MuJoCo window for visualisation. This can be fixed by exporting the required package:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/