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Plain Java Servlet Integration

Simone Zorzetti edited this page Mar 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

Note: since version 1.0.6

Declare a ServletContextListenerin the web.xml configuration file.

<webapp ...>
  • jmxtrans.config: coma/line-break delimited list of jmxtrans configuration file urls (classpath:..., http://..., file:/...). Default value is classpath:jmxtrans.json, classpath:org/jmxtrans/embedded/config/jmxtrans-internals.json. Optional. You can use urls like etcd://host:port/path/key to retrieve a configuration json from an etcd kv store. If you have an etcd cluster use the syntax etcd://[host1:port1,host2:port2,...]/path/key . The members of the cluster are used only in failover mode and strictly in the sequence specified.