What's Changed
- Update release-repository.yaml by @pawelirh in #358
- battery node reads from /dev/battery | lights are read from symlink by @delihus in #347
- Update symlink names by @KmakD in #359
- Update driver_node.cpp by @rafal-gorecki in #363
- Ros2 api reorganization by @pawelirh in #362
- ROS 2 update release workflow by @KmakD in #364
- Remove battery symlink by @pawelirh in #366
- ROS 2 lights initialization by @KmakD in #365
- Ros2 fix lights build by @KmakD in #367
- Update-vcs by @rafal-gorecki in #368
- Process noise update by @rafal-gorecki in #361
- Ros2 fix wheels friction by @delihus in #370
- FIx timestamp calculation and implement some minor changes by @pawelirh in #371
- Fix imu tf frame by @rafal-gorecki in #373
- Ros2 system status tf namespace by @delihus in #372
- Hotfix handle can timeout by @pawelirh in #375
- Fixed gazebo lights tfs by @delihus in #377
- Release 2.1.0 by @github-actions in #378
- Release 2.1.0 to ros2 by @github-actions in #379
Full Changelog: 2.0.4...2.1.0