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Releases: grotius-cnc/skynet_robot_control_rtos_ethercat

follow the arcs

26 Jun 16:23
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Tiny update. including following the arc's in program mode.

more advanched example

15 Jun 11:21
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This is a more advanched example.
If you don't use the hal layer, you first have to delete this code.
Then it could be used as offline simulator.

repeared a typo

04 Jan 17:44
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repeared a typo Pre-release

I repeared a typo in the kdl kinematic chain setup. The last robot axis (joint 6) was rotating about a wrong axis.

A minimal example with gui and motion planner

25 Dec 12:41
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In this example the steppermotors are running better then before.

When project is loaded "", press the Qt run button "cntr + r" so it compiles and run.
The robot config files are now automaticly copied into the build directory, see the file line 78.

To turn off the ethercat, if you have another device : edit the ethercat.hal file.

When program is running :

  1. Load robot model
  2. Start

The example shows 4 motion commands when start is pressed, see motion.cpp to edit motion command's.

The motion thread has no longer a wait period of 1ms. The xyz positions are now updated every thread loop conform the high resolution timer.
This is a minimal code example without the implementation of robot controls and xml input files.

Picture of app:

Video of app is attached.

This App is capable of doing real time motion tasks on a real robot !

Parts of the motionplanner included

21 Dec 02:23
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3 Projects included.

  1. compile Lcnc kinematic module
  2. compile QT Scurve motion module
  3. compile Skynet

When Skynet get's in the air, it start's the Lcnc and Scurve automaticly.

  • Press the activate IK button to initialize the robot.

Green = acceleration
Cyan = Velocity

The motion planner has adaptive feed from -1 to 1. This works already !
It can move a negative path without any restrictions. It can move back from
program line 1000 to line 0. It is not limited in going backward's as is in Lcnc, where the max backward's move is limited to a M3/M5.

The motion Scurve planner works nice, but the code has to be reviewed in the case the Vo (initial velocity) is above 0.
And at the end i need to implement an Ve (velocity end). But it works quite nice already for the normal usage.


Test video
Watch the video


15 Dec 00:01
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1.0.19 Pre-release

Lcnc Hal IK FK Component.


04 Dec 10:01
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1.0.18 Pre-release


Only a video that shows the implemenation that the robot moves are updated from the Stepgenerator Position-Feedback value.
This gives a more realistic preview output.
Screencast 2020-12-04 04:53:43.mp4

A second video that shows the steppermotor's live movements on the realtime ethercat bus.
Trough my experience with steppers speeds, this is a very nice output. The base thread = 15000 ns.

Also the opencascade viewer is only showing surfaces and finally the correct (detailed) colors.

Next thing is to is trying to code a stand alone motion planner. When this is done, exclusion of the lcnc gui for simulating gcode motion is possible. This gives us a faster app.

For a few day's the RTOS iso is downloadable : Iso size : 3.275 Gb.
This iso includes the OpenCascade + KDL libs + QT_creator + Lcnc + Ethercat, etc. preinstalled, have fun !

Minor update

30 Nov 17:33
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Minor update Pre-release

Update Joint values to Hal. Fixed some Hal vector issue's when multiple projects are loaded at the same time.


Attached zipped video of application

Minor Update

29 Nov 13:37
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Minor Update Pre-release

Gcode is now applied to active Workframe and reflects machine's euler angles.

Multiple WorkFrame's are allowed. Each workframe may contain a different Gcode.

There is a video attached how it works.


Todo : Stream joint output's to hal. (hardware abstract layer for realtime operations).
Then the ethercat bus can use this value's to update the actual motor positions. (send the stepper or servo to commanded position)

Minor Update

26 Nov 14:38
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Minor Update Pre-release

Implementation of workframe's.

To enable halgui. In cmainwindow.ccp line 124+125, enable.

  1. To start the app with lcnc, first start lcnc conform attatched gui example (
  2. Start skynet app.
  3. Load project. It loads the FactoryApp.xml automaticly. ( it sets up the xml file for you automaticly ).
  4. HalControls. This will connect the app to lcnc.
  5. Load Gcode, This will load a gcode and apply the gcode to the workframe.
