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Software Requirements

G. Dylan Dickerson edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 5 revisions

Software Requirements

Installing, building and running Earthworks has the same dependencies as CESM

The following list was copied from Section 1.1 of the CESM README:

  • a Unix-like operating system (Linux, AIX, OS X, etc.)
  • git client version 1.8 or newer
  • subversion client (we have tested with versions 1.6.11 and newer)
  • python3 version 3.6 or newer
  • perl version 5
  • build tools gmake and cmake
  • Fortran and C compilers
  • LAPACK and BLAS libraries
  • a NetCDF library version 4.3 or newer built with the same compiler you will use for CESM
    • a PnetCDF library is optional
  • a functioning MPI environment (unless you plan to run on a single core with the CIME mpi-serial library)