You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 2
Running the pipeline
Here you will process a lysozyme dataset collected at 7 keV. This is a part of datasets used for the S-SAD phasing reported in Nakane et al, Acta Cryst. D, 2015. Feel free to play with it. Full datasets (processed by Cheetah) are available at CXIDB #33.
If you are not familiar with CrystFEL, we recommend that you go through the CrystFEL tutorial. In this tutorial, we focus on SACLA specific issues and omit basics common to LCLS.
TODO Write more introduction
TODO Define runs and tags
First, establish a VPN connection to SACLA. Then log in to the fep node (front end processor). If you are on site, you can use hpc01-smp3, which is more powerful.
ssh -Y yourname@fep # VPN
ssh -Y [email protected] # on site
Next, create and go to your work directory.
mkdir /work/yourname/cheetah-test
cd /work/yourname/cheetah-test
WARNING! Files under /work is automatically deleted one month after final access. Copy important files to /UserData/yourname (accessible from xfer2) for long term storage. /home doesn't have time limits but the quota is smaller. This is where you install your script & programs. Details are discussed in SACLA HPC system.
Now you are ready to launch "Cheetah dispatcher" GUI.
source ~sacla_sfx_app/setup.sh
If this is the first time you launch Cheetah dispatcher at the directory, Cheetah requests you to setup a configuration file.
ERROR: Configuration file was not found!
You should copy /home/sacla_sfx_app/packages/tools/sacla-photon.ini into this directory
and confirm the settings.
Copy sacla-photon.ini as shown in the console. Basically, you don't have to edit it. If you want to change spot finding paramaters for Cheetah, you can do it here. But as written in Nakane et al, J. Appl. Cryst., 2016, the default parameters work well for almost all cases.
cp /home/sacla_sfx_app/packages/tools/sacla-photon.ini .
Type "266711-266721" to the "Run ID" text box and click the "Submit" button. During your beamtime, you have to specify your own run number, of course.
You can omit the second number. Then Cheetah will automatically detect and submit all runs after the first. (e.g. "266711-" ; but do NOT do it now. It will submit more than 150000 runs from 266711 to the latest runs!)
In your work directory, you will find these files and directories:
- 266702-0/
- 266702.geom (CrystFEL geometry)
- 209060-dark.h5 (Dark average)
- 209060-geom.h5 (Cheetah geometry)
- run266702-0.h5 (hit images)
- ... (other log files)
- 266702-1/
- run266702-1.h5
- ...
- 266702-2/
- run266702-2.h5
- ... -266703-0/
- 266703.geom
- run266703-0.h5
- ...
- 266703-1/
- run266703-1.h5
- ...
- 266703-2/
- run266703-2.h5
- ...
- 266704-0/...
- 266704-1/...
- 266704-2/...
- ...
All hit images in a processing batch are packed into a big HDF5 file (runXXXXXX-Y.h5) to reduce file system overhead.
The images had (1) dark current subtracted and (2) detector gains normalized. (2) means that 1 photon corresponds to 10 counts. In other words, the detector gain is 10 by definition.
Although geometry files are generated in each folder, they are all the same; you can use any of them. The detector geometry is constant during your beamtime.