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biochem_fan edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 21 revisions

Serial Femtosecond Crystallography at SACLA

This wiki provides useful information for serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) experiments at SACLA. Please note that this is an unofficial documentation; the author is a power user of SACLA but not a member of the facility.

In case of trouble, please contact me by mail or through the "Issues" page.

Currently (Feb, 2020), this tutorial and the pipeline use CrystFEL 0.6.3. Newer versions of CrystFEL up to 0.9.0 are also available on the SACLA HPC system.

NOTE: To access the tutorial dataset on the SACLA HPC, you have to add LLST_PATH="/gpfs/:/home/software/examples/ExpData/gpfs/" to your ~/.bashrc, because the dataset is old and stored in a different location. After you finish the tutorial, please remove this line; this line modifies the data path and prevents access to newer datasets.


First of all, we recommend all users to read the following documentations.
