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Update June 06, 2024

Added a ContentManager to Scene for uniform access to assets.  Assumes you have a folder named "Assets".  
You can changed that by updating BaseContnetFolder property.

    ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Image/xxxxx.png");    //looks for png for file  "Assets/Image/xxxxx.png"
    ContentManager.Load<TiledMap>("Map/Desert.tmx");      //looks for Tiled map tmx file

MsgBox is now created automatically with a Label and Button included.

Update Feb 07, 2024

Update to Raylib 5.0 (Raylib-cs 6.0) This update completely broke the previous version.  

Update June 14, 2023

Quick update getting ready to do Raylib 3D games. Moved all TransformComponent def from "Component.cs" class to individual 2D components.

This will allow for creation of 3D components that can inherit from Component.cs class also.

Scene.cs was updated to allow for Raylib.BeginMode3D or Raylib.BeginMode2D (WIP, so stay tuned)

Update June 6, 2023

Added Raylib-CS as a NuGet package

Added Sanford MIDI project (all in ONE project so to upgrade to NET 7.0)

Many changes to mmGameEngine

Update of UI components

Added new scene with MIDI piano

Added new scene as splash screen

A Game Engine using Raylib as the core, Entitas lite as the ECS engine.

The engine and a sample Menu + few other scenes with sprites, animated sprites, compound sprites + simple card game, (use NuGet package, much easier) (I've included Entitas here, since I made some minor additions)

Entity Component System (ECS) is used to allow for separation of concern when coding.

Scene is the base of the game. Inside the Scene you add Entities that have Components. Then you add a System to act on those entities. If you don't add a system, you all you get is a scene displaying a bunch of things (like the Card Scene).

There are components that have special meaning.

Each game is a scene holding Entities.
    * Game Entity (what is used to do the game)
    * Scene Entity (typically UI elements that are drawn on top of all Game Entities)
Transform component gets added to all entities automatically when they are created.

Sprite component is used to display images

SpriteAnimation component adds an animated sprite using spritesheet

Tiled map component let you have a TmxMap.  You have access all of its levels & objects

Text component addes a text that will follow the entity on the screen 

BoxCollider component allows the Entity to collide with other entities that have a collider

Systems do the guts of the logic of the game. They are executed once every frame and process all entities that match certain components (that we give them).

Below examples have "Debug" flag on. F9 will flip "Debug" off/on. The tank will move using arrow keys. The red boxes are BoxColliders drawn as debug guide.

To Start a VS2022 project:

Start with Net 7.0 console app

Using Dependencies add Raylib-cs Nuget package

Add references to Entitas-Lite , mmGameEngine and Sanford.MIDI

Your Program.cs

using mmGameEngine;

namespace TestmmGame
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            TestGame game = new TestGame();

    public class TestGame : mmGame
        public TestGame() : base()
            Scene = new MenuScene();

Main Menu Scene

The Menu scene uses the engine GUI component called Panel which has other components in it (buttons & label). Panel is a Scene Entity (meaning it will be drawn on top of everything) and has Color.BLANK so you can see thru it.

The background image is a Game Entity with a Sprite component.

Play Scene

game image

Card Game Scene

game image

MIDI Piano Scene

game image


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