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Aravind edited this page Jun 10, 2013 · 4 revisions

Rooms have writeable properties like name, picture, url, description, read-only properties like id, type, present, created, and several settings and permission fields.


Can be room or user. More types may be added later.


Controls which messages will be routed to followers.

  • r_status: Messages from and to this room
  • r_direct: Messages to this room
  • r_routed: Messages to other rooms, which were routed here


ACLs are comma-separated strings that can, for now, only contain 'everyone', 'noone', 'members', 'owners' and 'moderators'. Support for custom membership levels may be added at some point.

  • can_join: Who can join immediately.
  • can_request_join: Who can request joining.
  • can_approve_join
  • can_text
  • can_call
  • can_vote
  • can_desc
  • can_edit
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