All credit goes to Michael D'Angelo and his repo.
My personal website. An MIT licensed, simple, easily modifiable, statically-exportable React, Jamstack application that deploys automatically for free using github pages. Built using modern javascript, based on create-react-app with React-Router, SCSS, github actions, and many other useful technologies.
Building your own personal website from this project can take as little as 30 minutes. Follow the setup instructions below and review detailed notes and a checklist on adapting this project here. Please feel free to reach out to me by filing an issue or emailing me at [email protected] for help configuring your project.
Contributions are actively encouraged. Please review the design goals, roadmap, and contributing guidelines. If you find a bug, please email me, submit a pull request (I'll buy you a coffee as a thank you), or submit an issue.
Tested with: node >= v12 and optional nvm for managing node versions.
To download the repository and install dependencies, run the following commands:
git clone git:// # replace [mldangelo] with your github username if you fork first.
cd personal-site
nvm install # this is optional - make sure you're running >= node 12 with `node --version`
npm install
Run the following command to build the react application and serve it with fast refresh:
npm start
Your web browser should automatically open to <ip>:<port>:<path>
default: http://localhost:3000/.
- Modify the environmental variables and git remote url in
. - Modify
to point to where you plan to host your site. If you do not plan on using a custom domain name, it should look likehttps://[your-gh-username][repository-name - default:personal-site]/
- If you plan on using a custom domain, modify
. If you don't, deletepublic/CNAME
Make a commit to main
and push your changes. That's it.
To statically export the site without deploying to github pages, delete or disable .github/workflows/github-pages.yml
and run npm run predeploy
. This generates a static export of the website as personal-site/build/
. Copy this and self-host or deploy to a CDN.
- Template based on Future Imperfect by @ajlkn for HTML5 UP.
- Special thanks to @typpo for tirelessly answering all of my node.js and react questions.
- @notrueblood[1] and @sjhsieh[2] for keeping my ego in check.