Contributions are encouraged. Please feel free to get in touch (I will happily pair program with you), take a look at the roadmap, or open a PR.
Here are a few recommendations to land PRs quickly.
- Small PRs are better than large PRs. If you do two unrelated things, split your changes into two PRs.
- Review the design goals.
- Respect the Contributor Covenant.
- Write a good summary in your PR description.
- Concisely explain your changes.
- Justify why your changes are important.
- Explain how to test your change (if not obvious).
- Make sure everything runs.
- Write tests (if appropriate).
- Self review your branch.
- Lint your code.
- Add comments where appropriate and if things are unclear. Comments should help ensure others not familiar with the problem you're solving will understand your code months or years from now.
- Minimize perceptual changes in files that are not relevant to your feature. Remove any extra white-spaces in other files that were added by mistake.
- Remove anything unnecessary. Remove extra print statements, commented out blocks of code, unused variables, etc.
- Check your spelling.
- (Recommended Reading)