This repository contains projects on C programming language. The projects cover:
- Compilation
- Commenting code and following a coding style standard
- Variables, types, operators, expressions Loops, nested loops
- Conditional statements
- Functions
- Preprocessor, macros, header files Pointers, pointers to pointers, pointers to functions, function pointers
- Arrays, multidimensional arrays
- Structures
- Static and dynamic libraries
- Program arguments
- Dynamic allocation
- Virtual Memory, Heap and Stack
- Binary operations
- Makefiles
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- gcc 4.8.4
- no standard library functions
- Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
- All files should end with a new line
- Code should use the Betty style. It will be checked using and
- No more than 5 functions per file
- Header files should be include guarded
- 0x00-hello_world
- 0x01-variables_if_else_while
- 0x02-functions_nested_loops
- 0x03-debugging
- 0x04-more_functions_nested_loops
- 0x05-pointers_arrays_strings
- 0x06-pointers_arrays_strings
- 0x07-pointers_arrays_strings
- 0x08-recursion
- 0x09-static_libraries
- 0x0A-argc_argv
- 0x0B-malloc_free
- 0x0C-more_malloc_free
- 0x0D-preprocessor
- 0x0E-structures_typedef
- 0x0F-function_pointers
- 0x10-variadic_functions
- 0x12-singly_linked_lists
- 0x13-more_singly_linked_lists
- 0x14-bit_manipulation
- 0x15-file_io
- 0x17-doubly_linked_lists
- 0x18-dynamic_libraries
- 0x19-stacks_queues_lifo_fifo
- 0x1A-hash_tables
- 0x1B-sorting_algorithms
- 0x1C-makefiles
- 0x1D-binary_trees
- 0x1E-search_algorithms
- 0x1F-heap_sort
- 0x20-regex
- 0x21-substring
- 0x22-primegame
- 0x23-merge_sort