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Thor Brigsted edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

Base class to derive custom Node editors from. Use this to create your own custom inspectors and editors for your nodes.

public class XNodeEditor.NodeEditor
    : NodeEditorBase<NodeEditor, CustomNodeEditorAttribute, Node>


Type Name Summary
void OnHeaderGUI() Override to draw custom GUI on the node header
void OnBodyGUI() Override to draw custom GUI on the node body
Int32 GetWidth() Override to change the node width
Color GetTint() Override to tint the node
GUIStyle GetBodyStyle() Override to change the node body style
void InitiateRename() Call to focus and rename this node
void Rename(string newName) Rename the node

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Action<Node> onUpdateNode Fires whenever a node was modified through the editor
Dictionary<NodePort, Vector2> portPositions Cached port positions
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