Gene regulatory network inference using fused LASSO on multiple data sets: application to Escherichia coli
To run the program with the introduced data in the article, you only need to do as follows:
1- Run R
2- library(lqa)
3- trace(fused.lasso,edit=T)
4- substitute the existing function with the function in fused.lasso.modified.r (following function):
function (lambda = NULL, ...)
argList = list(...)
w <- argList$...
if (length(lambda) != 2)
stop("The fused.lasso penalty must consist on two parameters! \n")
names(lambda) <- c("lambda1", "lambda2")
first.derivative <- function(beta = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(beta))
stop("'beta' must be the current coefficient vector \n")
p <- length(beta)
if (p < 2)
stop("There must be at least two regressors! \n")
vec1 <- c(rep(lambda[1], p), rep(lambda[2], (3/4) * p))
vec2 <- abs(drop(t(a.coefs(beta, ... = w)) %*% beta))
#print(any(vec2 < 0))
return(vec1 * vec2)
a.coefs <- function(beta = NULL, ...) {
argList = list(...)
w <- argList$...
if (is.null(beta))
stop("'beta' must be the current coefficient vector \n")
p <- length(beta)
if (p < 2)
stop("There must be at least two regressors! \n")
if (p > 2) {
h1 <- cbind(-diag((3/4) * p), matrix(0, (3/4) * p, (1/4) * p))
h2 <- cbind(matrix(0, (3/4) * p, (1/4) * p), diag((3/4) * p))
#print("i did it :)")
mat1 <- h1 + h2
mat2 <- diag(w)
a.coefs.mat <- cbind(mat2, t(mat1))
else a.coefs.mat <- cbind(diag(2), c(-1, 1))
structure(list(penalty = "fused.lasso", lambda = lambda,
first.derivative = first.derivative, a.coefs = a.coefs),
class = "penalty")
5- source("sources.r") #make sure that source.r is in the correct directory