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Oliver Martin edited this page Feb 1, 2019 · 35 revisions

There are FOUR configuration files that allow you to manage different aspects of the plugin:

  1. config.yml - Most plugin settings can be found here
  2. joinmessages.yml - Used to control join/quit messages
  3. chatcontrol.yml - Contains the chat rules, anti-spam, and mute/ignore settings
  4. messages.yml - Allows you to change, customise or translate EVERY message in the plugin

These files are all found in the Proxy plugins folder (This is the plugins folder in the same directory as your Bungeecord.jar or Waterfall.jar file). Simply navigate to /plugins/MultiChat/

All these config files use the YAML format. This means you should take extra care when editing them! If you incorrectly add an extra space, or delete a single "quotation mark", then you could stop the entire plugin from working correctly. Also make sure that you DO NOT use tabs in the file. Only spaces work correctly with YAML. To be on the safe side, you can use an online resource like this one to check your YAML file for syntax errors.


# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      MultiChat                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# By Revilo410

#   DON'T EDIT   #
version: "1.6.2" #

This is the current version of the config file. DO NOT TOUCH IT. This is used to make sure the plugin will not break when updating by using an invalid version of the config file.

# 1. General
# 2. Private Messaging
# 3. Global Chat
# 4. Group Chats
# 5. Staff Chats
# 6. Other

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       General                        | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Should MultiChat fetch the display names from players respective spigot servers rather than those set on bungeecord to use in the global chat?
# Set this to true if you want to use display names set by plugins such as Essentials, Vault etc.
# If you want to use display names set by a bungeecord plugin such as BungeePerms then set this to false.
fetch_spigot_display_names: true

This option determines if MultiChat should fetch information like prefixes, suffixes and nicknames from your local spigot/bukkit/sponge servers. If you use plugins like LuckPerms, PEX, GroupManager or anything that uses Vault, then this must be set to true for your prefixes to work! If you don't use any plugin on your local servers, and are one of the people that manages prefixes through some bungeecord plugin (which is very very unusual!), then you should set this instead to false.

# Should MultiChat set the display name of users to be used in things like the tab list and /glist?
set_display_name: true

If this option is set to true, then MultiChat will set the display name of users on both BungeeCord and spigot. This means that the MultiChat display name can be used in tab lists, /glist, and many other places! If you don't want MultiChat to be in charge of setting display names because you have another plugin to do so, then just set this option to false.

# Display name format
# You can use %NAME% %NICK% %PREFIX% %SUFFIX%
display_name_format: "%PREFIX%%NICK%%SUFFIX%"

This is the format that MultiChat uses to set the display name if the above config option is set to true. This allows you to customise what details show up in the tab list etc. For example, if you didnt want the display name shown in tab lists to show the players prefix, just their nickname, then you can set the display name format to '%NICK%'.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                  Private Messaging                   | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #


# Use private messaging?
pm: true

Should the MultiChat private messaging system be enabled? If you don't want to use global /msg commands and have another plugin dealing with this, then just set the option to false.

# Servers to exclude from private messaging
# List like:
# no_pm:
# - Server1
# - Server2
# etc.

no_pm: []

If you want some servers to not have access to the private messaging system, then list them here!

# Allow players to toggle PMs by just typing /msg <playername>
toggle_pm: true

Use this setting to enable/disable the private messaging toggle feature. This causes an issue with some muting plugins where players are still able to communicate when muted.


# %MESSAGE% = The sent message
# %NAME% = The name of the sender
# %NAMET% = The name of the target player
# %DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender
# %DISPLAYNAMET% = The display name of the target player
# %PREFIX% = The prefix of the sender
# %PREFIXT% = The prefix of the target
# %SUFFIX% = The suffix of the sender
# %SUFFIXT% = The suffix of the target
# %NICK% = The nickname of the sender
# %NICKT% = The nickname of the target
# %SERVER% = The server of the sender
# %SERVERT% = The server of the target player
# %WORLD% = The world of the sender
# %WORLDT% = The world of the target player

# Sending PM Format

pmout: "&6[&cYou &6-> &c%DISPLAYNAMET%&6] &f%MESSAGE%"

This is the message displayed to someone when they send a private message

# Receving PM Format

pmin: "&6[&c%DISPLAYNAME% &6-> &cMe&6] &f%MESSAGE%"

This is the message displayed to someone when they receive a private message

# SocialSpy Format

pmspy: "&8&l<< &f%NAME% &7-> &f%NAMET%&8: &7%MESSAGE% &8&l>>"

This is the message displayed to anyone with social spy enabled when a private message is sent.


# The /msg command has the following aliases (other than /msg)
- m
- message
- t
- tell
- w
- whisper
- chat
- pm

# The /r command has the following aliases (other than /r)
- reply
- respond

# The /socialspy command has the following aliases (other than /socialspy)
- spy
- sspy

This section allows you to set command aliases for the messaging commands. This is useful if there are conflicts between command names on your server.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                     Global Chat                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Global Chat Module #

# Use global public chat?
global: true

Should global chat be used on your servers? This makes chat messages synced across your network.

# Servers to exclude from global chat
# List like:
# no_global:
# - Server1
# - Server2
# etc.

no_global: []

Servers listed here will not be a part of the global chat

# Global Chat Formats #

# %NAME% = The name of the sender
# %DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender
# %PREFIX% = The prefix of the sender
# %SUFFIX% = The suffix of the sender
# %NICK% = The nickname of the sender
# %SERVER% = The server of the sender
# %WORLD% = The world of the sender
# %MODE% = The chat mode of the player, "Global" or "Local", %M% will do "G" or "L"

# Global Chat Format
# Will display as [FORMAT] [MESSAGE]

globalformat: "&f%DISPLAYNAME%&f: "

Allows you to set the chat format for global chat. This is how player's messages will be displayed.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                     Group Chats                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Group Chat Formats #

# %NAME% = The name of the sender
# %MESSAGE% = The sent message
# %CC% = The chat color set by players
# %NC% = The name color set by players
# %GROUPNAME% = Name of the group chat

    format: "%CC%(%NC%%GROUPNAME%%CC%)(%NC%%NAME%%CC%) %MESSAGE%"
    ccdefault: "a"
    ncdefault: "f"

This section lets you control the format of the group chats in game. There are two customisable colours that can be set for a group chat. The CHAT COLOUR, and the NAME COLOUR. Players can control these in game using the /group color command. %CC% represents the colour code they have chosen for chat colour, and %NC% represents the colour code set for name colour. ccdefault is the default chat colour, and ncdefault is the default name colour. These settings use the standard Minecraft colour codes.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                     Staff Chats                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Staff Chat Formats #

# %NAME% = The name of the sender
# %DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender
# %SERVER% = The server of the sender
# %WORLD% = The world of the sender
# %MESSAGE% = The sent message
# %CC% = The chat color set by players
# %NC% = The name color set by players

    format: "%CC%{%NC%%NAME%%CC%} %MESSAGE%"
    ccdefault: "b"
    ncdefault: "d"

    format: "%CC%{%NC%%NAME%%CC%} %MESSAGE%"
    ccdefault: "d"
    ncdefault: "b"

This section lets you control the format of the staff chats in game. There are two customisable colours that can be set for staff chat. The CHAT COLOUR, and the NAME COLOUR. Players can control these in game using the /mcc (for mod chat) and /acc (for admin chat) commands. %CC% represents the colour code they have chosen for chat colour, and %NC% represents the colour code set for name colour. ccdefault is the default chat colour, and ncdefault is the default name colour. These settings use the standard Minecraft colour codes.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                        Other                         | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Set to false to disable the '/staff' staff list command
staff_list: true

Allows you to enable/disable the staff list command

# MultiChat bypass command aliases (other than /multichatbypass)
- mcb
- bypass

Allows you to set the command aliases for the multichatbypass command. Useful for giving it a more memorable name, or if you have a conflict between plugins.

# MultiChat execute command aliases (other than /multichatexecute)
- mcexecute
- mce
- gexecute
- gexe
- gcommand

Allows you to set the command aliases for the multichatexecute command. Useful for giving it a more memorable name, or if you have a conflict between plugins.


Global chat means that all servers attatched to your bungeecord network will share the same chat stream so that players can communicate between servers. You can exclude servers from this global chat by listing their name. If I had 3 servers, lobby, smp and pvp, but I wanted pvp to have a separate chat stream then I would have my config as such:

global: true
- pvp

You can load your config changes in game without restarting your server by using /multichat reload

Next I recommend you take a look at the admin commands