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Oliver Martin edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 35 revisions

MultiChat v1.6 has FOUR configuration files that allow you to manage different aspects of the plugin.

  1. config.yml - Most plugin settings can be found here, including: display name options, global chat settings, private messaging, staff chats, group chats.
  2. joinmessages.yml - Used to control the join/quit messages feature of the plugin.
  3. chatcontrol.yml - Contains the config options for the regex (regular-expression) chat rules, anti-spam, and mute/ignore settings.
  4. messages.yml - Allows you to change, customise or translate EVERY message in the plugin.

These files are all found in the PROXY plugins folder (This is the plugins folder in the same directory as your Bungeecord.jar or Waterfall.jar file). Simply navigate to /plugins/MultiChat/

All these config files use the YAML format. This means you should take extra care when editing them! If you incorrectly add an extra space, or delete a single "quotation mark", then you could stop the entire plugin from working correctly! Also make sure that you DO NOT use tabs in the file. Only spaces work correctly with YAML. To be on the safe side, you can use an online resource like this one to check your YAML file for syntax errors.


############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | MultiChat | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

# By Revilo410

################ # DON'T EDIT # version: "1.6" # ################

# 1. General # 2. Private Messaging # 3. Global Chat # 4. Group Chats # 5. Staff Chats # 6. Other

############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | General | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

# Should MultiChat fetch the display names from players respective spigot servers rather than those set on bungeecord to use in the global chat? # Set this to true if you want to use display names set by plugins such as Essentials, Vault etc. # If you want to use display names set by a bungeecord plugin such as BungeePerms then set this to false. # PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THIS IS SET TO TRUE, CHAT WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU ALSO PUT THE MULTICHAT.JAR IN THE SPIGOT SERVERS PLUGIN FOLDERS AS WELL # AS IN THE BUNGEECORD PLUGINS FOLDER! fetch_spigot_display_names: true

# Should MultiChat set the display name of users to be used in things like the tab list and /glist? set_display_name: true

# Display name format # You can use %NAME% %NICK% %PREFIX% %SUFFIX% display_name_format: "%PREFIX%%NICK%%SUFFIX%"

############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Private Messaging | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

############# # PM MODULE # #############

# Use private messaging? pm: true

# Servers to exclude from private messaging # List like: # no_pm: # - Server1 # - Server2 # etc.

no_pm: []

############## # PM FORMATS # ##############

# USES STANDARD MINECRAFT '&X' COLOUR/FORMAT CODES # %MESSAGE% = The sent message # %NAME% = The name of the sender # %NAMET% = The name of the target player # %DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender # %DISPLAYNAMET% = The display name of the target player # %PREFIX% = The prefix of the sender # %PREFIXT% = The prefix of the target # %SUFFIX% = The suffix of the sender # %SUFFIXT% = The suffix of the target # %NICK% = The nickname of the sender # %NICKT% = The nickname of the target # %SERVER% = The server of the sender # %SERVERT% = The server of the target player

# Sending PM Format

pmout: "&6[&cYou &6-> &c%DISPLAYNAMET%&6] &f%MESSAGE%"

# Receving PM Format

pmin: "&6[&c%DISPLAYNAME% &6-> &cMe&6] &f%MESSAGE%"

# SocialSpy Format

pmspy: "&8&l<< &f%NAME% &7-> &f%NAMET%&8: &7%MESSAGE% &8&l>>"

############## # PM ALIASES # ##############

# The /msg command has the following aliases (other than /msg) msgcommand: - m - message - t - tell - w - whisper - chat - pm

# The /r command has the following aliases (other than /r) rcommand: - reply - respond

# The /socialspy command has the following aliases (other than /socialspy) socialspycommand: - spy - sspy

############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Global Chat | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

###################### # Global Chat Module # ######################

# Use global public chat? global: true

# Servers to exclude from global chat # List like: # no_global: # - Server1 # - Server2 # etc.

no_global: []

####################### # Global Chat Formats # #######################

# USES STANDARD MINECRAFT '&X' COLOUR/FORMAT CODES # %NAME% = The name of the sender # %DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender # %PREFIX% = The prefix of the sender # %SUFFIX% = The suffix of the sender # %NICK% = The nickname of the sender # %SERVER% = The server of the sender # %MODE% = The chat mode of the player, "Global" or "Local", %M% will do "G" or "L"

# Global Chat Format # Will display as [FORMAT] [MESSAGE]

globalformat: "&f%DISPLAYNAME%&f: "

############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Group Chats | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

###################### # Group Chat Formats # ######################

# USES STANDARD MINECRAFT '&X' COLOUR/FORMAT CODES # %NAME% = The name of the sender # %MESSAGE% = The sent message # %CC% = The chat color set by players # %NC% = The name color set by players # %GROUPNAME% = Name of the group chat

groupchat: format: "%CC%(%NC%%GROUPNAME%%CC%)(%NC%%NAME%%CC%) %MESSAGE%" ccdefault: "a" ncdefault: "f"

############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Staff Chats | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

###################### # Staff Chat Formats # ######################

# USES STANDARD MINECRAFT '&X' COLOUR/FORMAT CODES # %NAME% = The name of the sender # %DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender # %SERVER% = The server of the sender # %MESSAGE% = The sent message # %CC% = The chat color set by players # %NC% = The name color set by players

modchat: format: "%CC%{%NC%%NAME%%CC%} %MESSAGE%" ccdefault: "b" ncdefault: "d"

adminchat: format: "%CC%{%NC%%NAME%%CC%} %MESSAGE%" ccdefault: "d" ncdefault: "b"

############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Other | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################

# Set to false to disable the '/staff' staff list command staff_list: true

# MultiChat bypass command aliases (other than /multichatbypass) multichatbypasscommand: - mcb - bypass

Most of the file is fairly self explanatory but I will explain each item in the YML file nonetheless.

version: "1.3"

This is the config version. The plugin uses this to determine if the config file is appropriate for the plugin version, editing this value can result in your file corrupting or the plugin not working so DO NOT CHANGE IT. The plugin will automatically update it on updates. Some updates you may be asked to delete your config to let the plugin create a new one.

Immediately after this are the chat format settings to change how the plugin looks on the server:

pmout: "&6[&cYou &6-> &c%DISPLAYNAMET%&6] &f%MESSAGE%"

pmin: "&6[&c%DISPLAYNAME% &6-> &cMe&6] &f%MESSAGE%"

pmspy: "&8&l<< &f%NAME% &7-> &f%NAMET%&8: &7%MESSAGE% &8&l>>"

The first of these is for a private message being sent. The second for a private message being received. And the last for how social spy will appear to the server staff if they turn it on.

You may use the following variables in these formats:

%MESSAGE% = The sent message

%NAME% = The name of the sender

%NAMET% = The name of the target player

%DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender

%DISPLAYNAMET% = The display name of the target player

%SERVER% = The server of the sender

%SERVERT% = The server of the target player

You may also use the standard minecraft format codes using the '&' symbol in these formats.

Next are the chat formats for the global chat:

globalformat: "&f%DISPLAYNAME%&f: "

If you have global chat enabled on your server then this is how the messages will be displayed. You can use the following variables in the chat format as well as the minecraft format codes:

%NAME% = The name of the sender

%DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender

%SERVER% = The server of the sender

%MODE% = The chat mode of the sender: Local or Global

%M% = Shorthand chat mode of the sender: L or G

After this are the formats for the staff chats and group chats:

    format: "%CC%{%NC%%NAME%%CC%} %MESSAGE%"
    ccdefault: "b"
    ncdefault: "d"

    format: "%CC%{%NC%%NAME%%CC%} %MESSAGE%"
    ccdefault: "d"
    ncdefault: "b"

    format: "%CC%(%NC%%GROUPNAME%%CC%)(%NC%%NAME%%CC%) %MESSAGE%"
    ccdefault: "a"
    ncdefault: "f"

'format:' is how the message will look, 'ccdefault' is the default colour for the chat part of the message, and 'ncdefault' is the default colour for the name part of the message. When using the mod and admin chats the staff can customize how it looks to them by setting a colour for the "name" and a colour for the "chat", this is self explanatory looking at the default format for these and by using the variables listed below. The commands will be explained in the command sections of this wiki, but the format is /mcc , and /acc for admin chat. Group colours are changed with /group color .

%NAME% = The name of the sender

(%DISPLAYNAME% = The display name of the sender) STAFF CHAT ONLY

(%SERVER% = The server of the sender) STAFF CHAT ONLY

%MESSAGE% = The sent message

%CC% = The chat color set by players

%NC% = The name color set by players

(%GROUPNAME% = Name of the group chat) GROUP CHAT ONLY

As always you can also use the standard minecraft color codes to hard code certain colors into the formats.

The next section allows you to list command aliases for some commands. You must restart your server in order for these to work correctly:


#The /msg command has the following aliases (other than /msg)
- m
- message
- t
- tell
- w
- whisper
- chat
- pm

#The /r command has the following aliases (other than /r)
- reply
- respond

#The /socialspy command has the following aliases (other than /socialspy)
- spy
- sspy

The next option asks if you would like to fetch spigot display names.

fetch_spigot_display_names: true

This means, do you want MultiChat to use the display names for players that are handled by the individual servers on your network, not ones set by bungeecord. If you want to use Essentials, Vault, GroupManager, PEX, BPermissions etc. then you will want to set this setting to true. But if you want bungeecord to handle the setting of display names from a plugin such as BungeePerms then you will want to set this to false. This can be reloaded using /multichat reload but any display names already fetched will remain until another plugin sets them so it is best to restart your server.


Finally are the global chat and messaging options:

#Use global public chat?
global: true

# Servers to exclude from global chat
# List like:
# no_global:
# - Server1
# - Server2
# etc.

no_global: []

#Use private messaging?
pm: true

# Servers to exclude from private messaging
# List like:
# no_pm:
# - Server1
# - Server2
# etc.

no_pm: []

Global chat means that all servers attatched to your bungeecord network will share the same chat stream so that players can communicate between servers. You can exclude servers from this global chat by listing their name. If I had 2 servers, lobby, smp and pvp, but I wanted pvp to have a separate chat stream then I would have my config as such:

global: true
- pvp

Private messaging commands are /msg, /r and /socialspy. If you wish to use private messaging then leave this option as true. If you want it to be disabled on some servers then you can list these servers as you would for global chat.

And voila!

You are all configured! Time to restart your server to apply all changes, or if not /multichat reload will apply most :)

Next I recommend you take a look at the admin commands