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Console Commands ConVars

Linus045 edited this page Jul 10, 2020 · 5 revisions


  • wire_vgui_close_all - closes all panels created on this client
  • wire_vgui_addbuddy <Player> - Adds a player as a buddy which allows him to create vgui panels on your client
  • wire_vgui_removebuddy <Player> - Removes a player from your buddies
  • wire_vgui_listbuddies - prints a list of all buddies in the console

Serverside Convars

  • wire_vgui_maxPanels <Number>-sets the amount of vgui panels a player can create in total

  • wire_vgui_maxPanelsPerSecond <Number> - sets the amount of panels a player can create per second

  • wire_vgui_permissionDefault <Permission-Level> - sets the permissions of creating vgui panels with e2

	(0)  - DEFAULT: E2Owner needs to be a buddy of the target player.
	(1)  - Players can create only on their client.
	(2)  - Like DEFAULT, but admins and superadmins can use it on everyone regardless of buddy permissions
	(3)  - Like DEFAULT, but superadmins can use it on everyone regardless of buddy permissions
    (4)  - Always allow creation of panels by default, but clients can still block it in the utilities menu
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