VirtualKeyboardControl is a full-featured On-Screen Keyboard with customizable layouts,languages and themes. The layout and languages can be added using xml files. The theme for buttons provided is a verbatim copy from MahApps.Metro.
This library also contains VkbTextBox control which is a Textbox control with the keyboard attached.
Include Wpfkeyboard.dll
In App.xaml
<Application x:Class="WpfApplication2.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/WpfKeyboard.Resources;component/styles/Colors.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/WpfKeyboard.Resources;component/styles/Button.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/WpfKeyboard.Resources;component/styles/ToggleButton.xaml" />
In your MainWindow
add xml reference xmlns:wpfKeyBoard="clr-namespace:wpfKeyBoard;assembly=wpfKeyBoard"
<wpfKeyBoard:VirtualKeyboardControl x:Name="KeyboardControl" VirtualKeyPressed="KeyboardControl_OnVirtualKeyPressed" />
<wpfKeyBoard:VkbTextBox Width="400" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" EnterClosesKeyboard="True" />
Apart from the styles Wpfkeyboard.Resources.dll
contains two keyboard layouts en-US,ar-SA, FontAwesome for rendering icons,
Here is the short version of the existing keyboard file. The attributes used are explained in the below table.For Multi-page switcheroos just use the switcheroo name and the page index (eg. <numSym1>{</numSym>)
<keyboard default="true" rows="4" columns="24" langcode="en" langName="English" langNative="English" description="English QWERTY Layout"> <switcheroos> <normal default="true" fontFamily="Segoe UI"> <shift volatile="true" fontFamily="Segoe UI"> <!--by specifying the fontfamilyUri, specified font is used when displaying this key collection --> <smiley fontfamilyUri="/WpfKeyboard.Resources;Component/fonts/#Emoticons" > <numSym pages="2"/> <ctrl volatile="true" /> </switcheroos> <row> <key> <normal>q</normal> <shift>Q</shift> <numSym keytype="virtual" keycode="Tab"></numSym> <smiley>;)</smiley> <ctrl>q</ctrl> </key> .... <key> <normal>t</normal> <shift>T</shift> <numSym>$</numSym> <smiley>;)</smiley> <ctrl>new tab</ctrl> </key> .... </row> .... </keyboard>
attribute | usage | available in tag |
rows | number of rows in keyboard | keyboard |
columns | number of columns in keyboard | keyboard |
default | the default lang/layout to show | keyboard |
langcode | typically ISO2 language code | keyboard |
langName | Name of the language | keyboard |
langNative | Native Name of language | keyboard |
description | keyboard layout description | keyboard |
default | this is the layout that will appear | switcheroos<switcheroo-name> |
fontfamilyUri | a wpf pack uri for this swictheroo | switcheroos<switcheroo-name> |
fontFamily | font family name for this swictheroo | switcheroos<switcheroo-name> |
volatile | key state is volatile, like shift | switcheroos<switcheroo-name> |
pages | number of pages | switcheroos<switcheroo-name> |
keytype | wpfKeyBoard.Model.KeyType | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
keycode | System.Input.Key value | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
colspan | x | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
rotate | rotates the text by given degress | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
switcherooCode | x | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
column | x | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
pageAction | action string to execute when nay page button is pressed | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
enabled | x | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
value | use this value instead from the 'tag value' | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |
usesRenderer | uses FontAwesome font to draw icon | row/key/<switcheroo-name> |