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DOI Quality Gate Status Coverage Java CI with Maven

KNIME plugin for retrieving data from, GPCRdb website contains data, web tools and diagrams for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).



Steps to get GPCRDB nodes inside KNIME:

  1. Goto Help > Install new software ... menu
  2. Press add button
  3. Fill text fields with
  4. Select --all sites-- in work with pulldown
  5. Open KNIME 3D-e-Chem Contributions folder
  6. Select GPCRDB
  7. Install software & restart


See example workflow in examples folder.


Requires Maven and JDK 8.

mvn verify

Jar has been made in plugin/target folder. An Eclipse update site will be made in p2/target/repository repository.


Steps to get development environment setup based on

  1. Install Java 17
  2. Install Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers
  3. Configure Java 17 inside Eclipse Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs
  4. Import this repo as an Existing Maven project
  5. Activate target platform by going to Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform and check the KNIME Analytics Platform (5.1) - nl.esciencecenter.e3dchem.knime.molviewer.targetplatform/ target definition.

During import the Tycho Eclipse providers must be installed.

New release

  1. Update versions in pom files with mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=<version>-SNAPSHOT command.
  2. Commit and push changes
  3. Create package with mvn package, will create update site in p2/target/repository
  4. Test node by installing it from local update site
  5. Append new release to 3D-e-Chem update site
    1. Make clone of repo
    2. Append release to 3D-e-Chem update site with mvn install<3D-e-Chem repo/updates>
  6. Commit and push changes in this repo and repo
  7. Create a Github release
  8. Update Zenodo entry
    1. Fix authors
    2. Fix license
  9. Make nodes available to 3D-e-Chem KNIME feature by following steps at

Create GPCRDB client

  1. Download swagger code generator
  1. Download and unpack the swagger rewriter

  2. Generate a Swagger spec for the client

Install the swagger rewriter from

swagger-rewriter/bin/swagger-rewriter \ \
client-config/swagger-rewriter.config.yml \

3.1 Optionally, make manual changes to client-config/gpcrdb.swagger-spec.json

  1. Generate a client for GPCRDB web service using the rewritten spec
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.3.0.jar generate \
--input-spec client-config/gpcrdb.swagger-spec.json \
--output client \
--lang java \
--config client-config/swagger-codegen.config.json
  1. Compile client
cd client
mvn package
  1. Make client jar and it's dependencies available in plugin
cp -r target/lib/* target/*jar ../plugin/lib/
  1. Remove test dependencies
rm plugin/lib/*-tests.jar plugin/lib/junit* plugin/lib/hamcrest*
  1. Update plugin/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, plugin/ files to reflect contents of lib/

Create stub recordings for integration tests

The test workflow are tested against a mocked web server and not the actual site. The mock server is called WireMock and normally gives empty responses. To have WireMock server return filled responses, stubs stored in tests/src/test/resources/ directory must be provided. The stubs can be recorded by starting a WireMock server in recording mode by:

java -jar tests/lib/wiremock-standalone-2.5.0.jar --proxy-all="" \
--port=8089 --record-mappings --verbose --root-dir=tests/src/test/resources/

Then in a KNIME workflow in the GPCRDB nodes set the base path to http://localhost:8089. Executing the workflow will fetch data from via the WireMock server and cause new stubs to be recorded in the tests/src/test/resources/ directory.

To run the test workflows from inside KNIME desktop environment start the WireMock server in mock mode by:

java -jar tests/lib/wiremock-standalone-2.5.0.jar --port=8089 --verbose --root-dir=tests/src/test/resources/

Then import the test workflows in tests/src/knime/ directory, select the workflow in the KNIME explorer and in the context menu (right-click) select Run as workflow test.


  • V Isberg, S Mordalski, C Munk, K Rataj, K Harpsøe, AS Hauser, B Vroling, AJ Bojarski, G Vriend, DE Gloriam. “GPCRdb: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors”, 2016, Nucleic Acids Res., 44, D356-D364. 10.1093/nar/gkv1178
  • V Isberg, B Vroling, R van der Kant, K Li, G Vriend* and DE Gloriam*, “GPCRDB: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors”, 2014, Nucleic Acids Res., 42 (D1), D422-D425. 10.1093/nar/gkv1178