All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Formatted as described on
- Requires KNIME 5.1
Nodes in existing workflows giving not found errors should be replaced.
- Not found error [#32](
- Compatible with KNIME 4 #30
- Add all fields that are returned by mutant ws endpoint to KNIME node (#29)
- Mutant api changed (#29)
- Node to fetch all GPCRDB structures (#27)
- Use rowkey generator instead of custom rowkey (#28)
- Test coverage (#25)
- Timeout option (#21)
- Workflow test for all nodes (#24)
- Nicer message for Timeout and not found exceptions (#23)
- Change default port names to specific names (#22)
- Protein with single structure produce error (#8)
- Test workflow using WireMock server (#17)
- Protein with single structure produce error (#8)
- Client no longer needs to be modified after generation, now the Swagger spec is adjusted before generation (#16)
- Based client on okhttp+gson library, a non jaxrs based implementation (#16)
- Moved nodes under /community/3d-e-chem (#15)
- Additional input and node configuration checks in line with KNIME specification
- Shortened maven modules names
- Optional publication when requesting structures of protein (#12)
- Protein with single structure produce error (#8)
- Input is case-insensitive (#10)
- Node for retrieving protein similarity (#5)
- Node for retrieving mutations of protein (#4)
- Node for retrieving interactions of structure with its ligands (#6)
- Return alternative numbers as map (#7)