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A new codebase for popular Scene Graph Generation methods (2020). Visualization & Scene Graph Extraction on custom images/datasets are provided. It's also a PyTorch implementation of paper “Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training CVPR 2020”


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This is an ablation study of the Bayesian classification head we proposed in our preliminary work Hierarchical Relationships: A New Perspective to Enhance Scene Graph Generation accepted at NeurIPS 2023 New Frontiers in Graph Learning Workshop (GLFrontiers) and NeurIPS 2023 Queer in AI.

We started from the codebase from Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training, which provides re-implementations of several SOTA SGG frameworks and the evaluation metrics. (We highly recommend reading their original first to get a basic understanding of this codebase.)

Testing Results

We provide the testing results of predicate classifications(PLS) task on Visual Genome before and after we replace the flat classification head with our Bayesian head at the last linear layer of three existing works: NeuralMotifs, VTransE and VCTree. We also test our method on the top of TDE(sum) with Motif/Vctree as the context layer. Our work proves to be a valuable add-on to boost their performance by large margins.

Methods R@20 R@50 R@100 mR@20 mR@50 mR@100
NeuralMotifs 58.5 65.2 67.0 15.7 14.8 16.1
NeuralMotifs w/ [a] 53.8 68.3 74.6 15.9 24.3 29.9
VTransE 59.1 65.6 67.3 12.8 16.3 17.6
VTransE w/ [a] 53.8 68.1 74.5 18.1 26.2 31.5
VCTree 59.0 65.4 67.2 13.1 16.7 18.2
VCTree w/ [a] 54.5 69.1 75.4 16.7 26.3 32.2
Motif + TDE(sum) 38.7 50.8 55.8 18.5 24.9 28.3
Motif + TDE(sum) w/ [a] 39.7 56.9 66.7 20.1 28.8 34.9
VCTree + TDE(sum) 36.2 47.2 51.6 18.4 25.4 28.7
VCTree + TDE(sum) w/ [a] 39.6 56.9 66.6 19.6 28.6 35.2

[a] means hierarchical relationships in this table.

The training for each framework takes several hours on two V100. We also provide the pre-trained weights here(motif, vctree, vtranse, motif_tde_sum, vctree_tde_sum) for reference.

Training & Evaluation

After installing the prerequisites mentioned in the original repo, to use our Bayesian classification head instead of the original flat classification head, you simply need to set corresponding MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR(see below) in the training cmd, and disable the bias option.

NeuralMotif w/Bayesian head: MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR MotifHierarchicalPredictor

VCTree w/Bayesian head: MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR VCTreeHierPredictor

VTransE w/Bayesian head: MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR TransformerHierPredictor


The training settings we used for the NeuralMotif w/Bayesian head is(other configs are defined in the e2e_relation_X_101_32_8_FPN_1x.yaml):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 10025 --nproc_per_node=2 tools/ --config-file "configs/e2e_relation_X_101_32_8_FPN_1x.yaml" MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICT_USE_BIAS False MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_BOX True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_OBJECT_LABEL True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR MotifHierarchicalPredictor SOLVER.PRE_VAL False SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 12 TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 DTYPE "float16" SOLVER.MAX_ITER 30000 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0025 SOLVER.VAL_PERIOD 2000 SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD 1000 GLOVE_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/glove MODEL.PRETRAINED_DETECTOR_CKPT /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/pretrained_faster_rcnn/model_final.pth OUTPUT_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/motif-hierarch-bg

For VCTree w/Bayesian head:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3,4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 10027 --nproc_per_node=2 tools/ --config-file "configs/e2e_relation_X_101_32_8_FPN_1x.yaml" MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICT_USE_BIAS False MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_BOX True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_OBJECT_LABEL True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR VCTreeHierPredictor SOLVER.PRE_VAL False SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 12 TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 DTYPE "float16" SOLVER.MAX_ITER 30000 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0025 SOLVER.VAL_PERIOD 2000 SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD 1000 GLOVE_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/glove MODEL.PRETRAINED_DETECTOR_CKPT /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/pretrained_faster_rcnn/model_final.pth OUTPUT_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/vctree-hier

For VTransE w/Bayesian head:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5,6 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 10029 --nproc_per_node=2 tools/ --config-file "configs/e2e_relation_X_101_32_8_FPN_1x.yaml" MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICT_USE_BIAS False MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_BOX True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_OBJECT_LABEL True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR TransformerHierPredictor SOLVER.PRE_VAL False SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 16 TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 DTYPE "float16" SOLVER.MAX_ITER 28000 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0005 SOLVER.SCHEDULE.TYPE WarmupMultiStepLR SOLVER.VAL_PERIOD 2000 SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD 1000 GLOVE_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/glove MODEL.PRETRAINED_DETECTOR_CKPT /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/pretrained_faster_rcnn/model_final.pth OUTPUT_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/transformer-hier-bg

For VCTree+TDE w/Bayesian head:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5,6 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 10022 --nproc_per_node=2 tools/ --config-file "configs/e2e_relation_X_101_32_8_FPN_1x.yaml" MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_BOX True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_OBJECT_LABEL True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR CausalAnalysisHierPredictor MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.CAUSAL.EFFECT_TYPE TDE MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.CAUSAL.FUSION_TYPE sum MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.CAUSAL.CONTEXT_LAYER vctree SOLVER.PRE_VAL False SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 12 TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 DTYPE "float16" SOLVER.MAX_ITER 50000 SOLVER.VAL_PERIOD 2000 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0015 SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD 1000 GLOVE_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/glove MODEL.PRETRAINED_DETECTOR_CKPT /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/pretrained_faster_rcnn/model_final.pth OUTPUT_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/tde_hier_vctree_015

and an example evaluation command will be:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 10027 --nproc_per_node=1 tools/ --config-file "configs/e2e_relation_X_101_32_8_FPN_1x.yaml"  MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_BOX True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.USE_GT_OBJECT_LABEL True MODEL.ROI_RELATION_HEAD.PREDICTOR MotifHierarchicalPredictor TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 1 DTYPE "float16" GLOVE_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/glove MODEL.PRETRAINED_DETECTOR_CKPT /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/motif-hierarch OUTPUT_DIR /raid0/docker-raid/bwjiang/scene_graph/checkpoints/benchmark/motif-hierarch


This repo is adapted from the scenegraph-benchmark codebase proposed in Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training. Thank you for the contribution!


A new codebase for popular Scene Graph Generation methods (2020). Visualization & Scene Graph Extraction on custom images/datasets are provided. It's also a PyTorch implementation of paper “Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training CVPR 2020”



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