Flink-Alt is an alternative minimalistic typeclass-based API for Flink, abstracting over the type of the data stream, allowing for alternative implementations. Besides the implementation for Flink DataStream
, we also provide an additional in-memory implementation, useful for testing purposes where you don't want to waste precious seconds for Flink to fire up and tear down an in-memory cluster.
Flink-Alt currently targets only streaming jobs (the DataStream
API) using event time. The supported operations include ordinary operations such as map
, flatMap
, and filter
, and also includes stateful operations such as mapWithState
and windowed operations such as reduce
The library uses the tagless final design approach (see Exploring Tagless Final Alternatives to GADTs in Scala or Optimizing Tagless Final, or one of the many great talks on YouTube).
A sample application looks like this:
import cats.data.State
import com.github.flinkalt.{DStream, Stateful, StateTrans}
import DStream.ops._
import Stateful.ops._
case class Count[T](value: T, count: Int)
def totalWordCount[DS[_] : DStream : Stateful](lines: DS[String]): DS[Count[String]] = {
def splitToWords(line: String): Seq[String] = {
def zipWithCount[T]: StateTrans[T, Int, T, Count[T]] = {
t => State(maybeCount => {
val count = maybeCount.getOrElse(0) + 1
(Some(count), Count(t, count))
Flink-Alt also offers an alternative to Flink's macro-based type information derivation. The type information derivation is based on shapeless, and is heavily inspired from flink-shapeless. Its main features include:
- everything is assumed immutable
- automatic derivation of type info:
- primitives:
- common types:
) - byte arrays
- some collections:
(not for allTraversable
because scala'sCanBuild
instances are not serializable) - injections, that is, representing some types as another that has
- ADTs, using shapeless, that is, any case class or sealed trait for which shapeless can derive
- primitives:
- deduplication of data:
- when an object graph is serialized with equal values in it (like equal strings, collections, or just about any value), then these values are represented in a single time, saving space and serialization time
- when data is deserialized, the duplicate values are not allocated multiple times in memory, thus reducing the memory requirements
- deduplication is based on the objects'
methods, so you should implement them efficiently
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
import com.github.flinkalt.typeinfo.auto._
case class Count[T](value: T, count: Int)
val s1: DataStream[String] = ???
val s2: DataStream[Count[String]] = s1.map(s => Count(s, 1)) // DataStream.map required an implicit TypeInformation for the output, Count[String] in this case