A React application built to track the tea inventory at the world's best tea shop located in Ba Sing Se.
- React
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Markdown
This application was developed to utilize full CRUD functionality. Users can view tea details, add, update, and delete teas, and buy tea. When a user purchases a tea, the quantity is reduced by one ounce.
- Go to GitHub
- Clone git repository to local machine
$ git clone https://github.com/zperez0/tea-shop.git
- Navigate to root folder and open directory in your terminal
- Install packages:
$ npm install
- Start server:
$ npm start
- Open up your browser and go to:
- When a user updates a tea, they must complete each field. Otherwise, it will return empty fields and set the 'Availability' to 'Out of Stock'.
Copyright (c) 2022, Z Perez