A web application providing CRUD functionality for the store's products. Each product can also have reviews added to it.
- bootstrap scss
- Ruby
- Rails
- rspec
- pry
- Capybara
- PostgreSQL
- faker
- devise
- rails admin
This application was created to demonstrate my understanding of using Rails, authorization and authentication with devise and setting up CRUD functionality. It was designed for a fictional specialized food store that wishes to keep track of its products and customer feedback. Products and reviews can be added, removed, and edited by an admin. A user must sign in in order to add a review.
- As an admin, I want to view, add, update and delete products.
- As an admin, I should be able to log in and log out of the application.
- As an admin, I should be able to add, update and delete products.
- As an admin, I should be able to add reviews.
- As a user, I want to be able to create an account and add a review to a product.
You will need to install the following before proceeding (click on the link to follow the installation process): Ruby, PostgreSQL
Go to GitHub
Clone git repository to local machine
Navigate to root folder and open directory either with VScode or your terminal
Install packages (type in the terminal):
bundle install
- Open up postgres (type in the terminal):
- Open up a new terminal tab
- create database (type in terminal):
rake db:setup
- To create migration (type in terminal):
- for more inforamation on migrations check out Rails Guides
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare
- seed database with faker gem (type in terminal):
rake db:seed
- Start server (type in terminal):
rails s
- Open up your browser and go to:
- Run test with rpsec (type in terminal):
- To create a new user visit the webpage, on the navbar click 'Sign up' and fill out the form
- open rails console (type in terminal):
rails c
- To update an admin status in the terminal:
User.where(email:"Insert your email here").update(admin: true)
- Once an admin is created you can add users as admins. Go to the webpage, on the nav bar click on:
- This will take you to the Site Administration. click on:
- Click on the pencil icon next to the user you want to edit.
- Scroll down and hit the check box next to "Admin".
- you can sign in as the admin that is provided:
email: "[email protected]"
password: "password"
- No known issues
Copyright (c) 2022, Z Perez