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Family.styl is the stylus port of Family.scss

Family.styl is a set of 26 smart stylus mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child'ified elements, in an easy and classy way.


  • first($num) — Select all children from the first to $num
  • last($num) — Select all children from the last to $num
  • after-first($num) — Select all children after the first to $num
  • from-end($num) — Select all children before $num from the last
  • between($first, $last) — Select all children between $first and $last
  • even-between($first, $last) — Select all even children between $first and $last
  • odd-between($first, $last) — Select all odd children between $first and $last.
  • n-between($num, $first, $last) — Select all $num children between $first and $last
  • all-but($num) — Select all children but $num
  • each($num) — Select children each $num
  • every($num) — Alias for each($num)
  • from-first-last($num) — Select the $num child from the start and the $num child from the last
  • middle($num) — Select the item in the middle of $num child. Only works with odd number chain
  • all-but-first-last($num) — Select all children between the $num first and the $num last
  • first-of($limit) — This quantity-query mixin will only select the first of $limit items. It will not work if there is not as much as item as you set in $limit
  • last-of($limit) — This quantity-query mixin will only select the last of $limit items. It will not if there is not as much as item as you set in $limit
  • at-least($num) — This quantity-query mixin will select every items if there is at least $num items. It will not if there is not as much as item as you set in $num
  • at-most($num) — This quantity-query mixin will select every items if there is at most $num items. It will not if there is not as much as item as you set in $num
  • inbetween($min, $max) — This quantity-query mixin will select every items only if there is between $min and $max items
  • first-child() — Select the first exact child
  • last-child() — Select the last exact child
  • even() — Select all even children
  • odd() — Select all odd children
  • first-last() — Select only the first and last child
  • unique() — Will only select the child if it’s unique
  • only() — Alias for unique()
  • not-unique() — Will only select children if they are not unique. Meaning if there is at least 2 children, the style is applied
  • child-index($num, $direction = 'forward', $index = 0) — This mixin is used to automatically sort z-index in numerical order. But it can also sort them in anti-numerical order, depending the parameters you use


MIT License


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