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Releases: zmwv823/ComfyUI-AnyText


07 Jun 10:02
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Initial Version | 初始版本 | Just For Archive (Deprecated) | 仅用于归档(已废弃)

  • This version is same as official implementation method except mask process and ori_image input.
  • 这个版本代码实现跟官方一样,除了遮罩处理和输入图片有区别。
  • Works well with official ComfyUI release using python_embed on windows in my case. Distributions from unofficial、 vitural env and other OS(such as linux) may not work.
  • 个人测试使用ComfyUI官方整合包+绿色便携(python_embed)+windows10正常运行。第三方整合包、虚拟环境和其他操作系统(例如linux)可能无法使用。
  • It works on remote_code mode, scripts in ComfyUI-AnyText\AnyText\scripts will download(copy) into C:\Users\username\.cache\modelscope\modelscope_modules and execute to make a process.
  • 采用远程代码模式,会从ComfyUI-AnyText\AnyText\scripts 下载(复制)一份到C:\Users\username\.cache\modelscope\modelscope_modules 然后进行后续处理。