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Christian Spurk edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 2 revisions


If you’re looking for general information on the zha-device-handlers project or for how to contribute, then please see the README instead.

About this Wiki

For now, this wiki is meant to collect non-code documentation on quirky devices. This may be things like:

  • device support status, e.g., fully supported, supported with certain caveats, etc.
  • tips on how to work with a device, e.g., how to get into pairing mode
  • information on manufacturer-specific features
  • links to further information which may help developers to improve the support of a device, for example:
    • descriptions of manufacturer-specific clusters/attributes
    • old/incomplete pull requests
    • code in similar projects like zigbee-herdsman-converters


Device information should be organized in the same way as quirks implementations, i.e., by device manufacturer. Manufacturer-specific wiki page names should roughly correspond to zhaquirks subpackage names, e.g., Ikea for the zhaquirks.ikea Python package.

Devices by Manufacturer

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