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FAITH code and data for our WWW'24 paper "Faithful Temporal Qestion Answering over Heterogeneous Sources"


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This code is for the FAITH method proposed in our WWW'24 full paper "Faithful Temporal Question Answering over Heterogeneous Sources".

Please visit the following repo LINK to access the code for the TIQ benchmark construction.


Overview of the FAITH pipeline. The figure illustrates the process for answering q3 (“Queen’s record company when recording Bohemian Rhapsody?” ) and q1 (“Record company of Queen in 1975?” ). For answering q3, two intermediate questions q31 and q32 are generated, and run recursively through the entire temporal QA system.

For more details see our paper: Faithful Temporal Question Answering over Heterogeneous Sources and visit our project website:

If you use this code, please cite:

  title={Faithful Temporal Question Answering over Heterogeneous Sources},
  author={Jia, Zhen and Christmann, Philipp and Weikum, Gerhard},

Environment setup

We recommend the installation via conda, and provide the corresponding environment file in environment.yml:

  git clone
  cd FAITH/
  conda env create --file environment.yml
  conda activate faith
  pip install -e .

Alternatively, you can also install the requirements via pip, using the requirements.txt file.


FAITH makes use of CLOCQ for retrieving facts from WIKIDATA. CLOCQ can be conveniently integrated via the publicly available API, using the client from the repo.

FAITH makes use of SUTIME for annotating explicit dates in questions. You can install python-sutime via the following command.

  pip install sutime
  mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=./jars -f $(python3 -c 'from importlib import util; import pathlib; print(pathlib.Path(util.find_spec("sutime").origin).parent / "pom.xml")')

Then you can run the script for starting SUTIME as a backend service.

  bash scripts/


You need the following data:

  • wikipedia_wikidata_mappings.pickle
  • wikipedia_mappings.pickle
  • wikidata_mappings.pickle
  • types.pickle
  • stopwords.txt
  • labels.pickle
  • augmented_wikidata_mappings.pickle

We provide the trained model and data for reproducing the results. You can download from here (unzip and put it in the "_data" folder; total data size around 20 GB). The data folder structure is as follows:

├──tiq (or timequestions)
    ├── intermediate_question
    ├── tsf_annotation
    ├── iques_model.bin
    ├── tsf_model.bin
    ├── faith
            ├── gnn-answering-ignn-100-05-05.bin
            └── gnn-pruning-ignn-100-00-10.bin
    ├── unfaith
            ├── gnn-answering-ignn-100-05-05.bin
            └── gnn-pruning-ignn-100-00-10.bin
├── wikipedia_wikidata_mappings.pickle    
├── wikipedia_mappings.pickle
├── wikidata_mappings.pickle
├── types.pickle
├── stopwords.txt
├── labels.pickle
└── augmented_wikidata_mappings.pickle
  • tiq/intermediate_question: generated intermediate questions from GPT as training dataset for fine-tuning BART model on TIQ benchmark
  • tiq/tsf_annotation: TSF training data generated via distant supervision for fine-tuning BART model on TIQ benchmark
  • tiq/iques_model.bin: fine-tuned BART model for generating intermediate questions in TQU stage
  • tiq/tsf_model.bin: fine-tuned BART model for generating TSF in TQU stage
  • tiq/faith/sbert_model.bin: fine-tuned BERT model for scoring evidence in FER stage
  • tiq/faith/seq2seq_ha: fine-tuned BART model for heterogeneous answering in HA stage
  • tiq/faith/explaignn/gnn-pruning-ignn-100-00-10.bin: graph reduction model in HA stage
  • tiq/faith/explaignn/gnn-answering-ignn-100-05-05.bin: answer inference model in HA stage
  • tiq/unfaith/sbert_model.bin: fine-tuned BERT model for scoring evidence in FER stage for UNFAITH settings
  • tiq/unfaith/explaignn/gnn-pruning-ignn-100-00-10.bin: graph reduction model in HA stage for UNFAITH settings
  • tiq/unfaith/explaignn/gnn-answering-ignn-100-05-05.bin: answer inference model in HA stage for UNFAITH settings

Reproduce paper results

Main results

Please run the following script to reproduce the main results of FAITH (Table 3 in the WWW 2024 paper):

  bash scripts/ --evaluate <PATH_TO_CONFIG>

For example,

  bash scripts/ --evaluate config/evaluate.yml

If you want to reproduce the results of UNFAITH, please set faith_or_unfaith as unfaith in the config file.


There are three stages in FAITH: Temporal Question Understanding (TQU), Faithful Evidence Retrieval (FER), and Explainable Heterogeneous Answering (EHA).


In the TQU stage, there are two Seq2seq models for:

  • (i) generating TSFs
  • (ii) generating intermediate questions

We already provide the annotated TSF, and intermediate questions for TIQ and TimeQuestions benchmarks, as training data respectively. If you would like to generate annotated TSF for other datasets, please follow the instruction in the document.

For generating intermediate questions as training data via GPT, please follow the instruction in the document.


In the FER stage, we apply a BERT-based reranker to train classifier and score evidences as the input for answering.


In the EHA stage, there are two GNN models for:

  • (i) graph reduction
  • (ii) answer inference

We apply the two GNN models in answer inference stage:

  • (i) graph reduction: as the number of evidence decreases, the size of the graph is reduced. The number of evidence decreases from 100 to 20.
  • (ii) answer inference: among the 20 evidence, we conduct the answer inference and output the 5 evidence.

For training the models individually, please run the following script:

  bash scripts/ --train_<stage name> <PATH_TO_CONFIG> [<SOURCES_STR>]

For example, training the answer inference model.

  bash scripts/ --train_ha config/train_ha_answer_inference.yml

Note that you need two the config files for training the two GNN models respectively.