BC! Pre release of a completely rewritten library. It focusses on core OAuth2 functionality and has been decoupled from persistence. If you still need the previous implementation - which is considered EOL - see the legacy-0.7 branch
- PHP7+ only
- 100% test coverage
- Uses Zend\Diactoros to generate PSR-7 (Http Message) implementation.
- Uses PSR-11 (Container) for dependency injection containers.
- Eventing has been removed
- Persistence has been decoupled, see our doctrine integration ZfrOAuth2ServerDoctrine
- Provides 5 Services
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\Service\AccessTokenService
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\Service\AuthorizationCodeService
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\Service\ClientService
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\Service\RefreshTokenService
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\Service\ScopeService
- Provides 4 PSR7 Middleware's which are really nice but optional
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServerMiddleware
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\ResourceServerMiddleware
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\RevocationRequestMiddleware
- ZfrOAuth2\Server\TokenRequestMiddleware