This is a weekend project to make a CLI tool that can help you figure out where to get lunch. Currently it's a command line tool that prints a random restaurant from a text-file list of restaurants. I made it because sometimes I can be indecisive.
This project is currently under development with no stable releases.
Ask where to eat
$ feedme ~/restaurants.txt
Your Favorite Restaurant
- Git
- Python 3
Currently you can install the project like this:
$ git clone && cd feedme
$ poetry install
When versioned releases exist the above will be removed and you can pip install:
$ pip install feedme
To contribute to feedme, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
- Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m <commit_message>
- Push to the original branch: `git push origin <project_name>/
- Create the pull request
Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
Working on this project will be easier if you have the following tools.
Before copying and pasting the following commands into your terminal I recommend taking a moment to read more about them and in fact read the scripts before they execute on your computer.
- pyenv can be installed by
curl | bash
- poetry can be installed by
curl -sSL | python
- pre-commit can be installed by
pip install --user --upgrade pre-commit
The best way to get the project set up is:
$ git clone && cd feedme
$ precommit
Testing is performed with a combination of Pytest and nox.
To run the test suite use the command poetry run pytest --cov
If you haven't installed and setup pre-commit on this repo and perhaps even if you have, it's a good idea to run some more comprehensive testing before committing your code.
The CI/CD will run the full-gamut of configured nox sessions with the command nox
You can replicate that yourself either with nox
or poetry run nox
This project uses the following license: MIT
That means that anyone is free to do anything they want with it, including sell it. If anyone succeeds in selling this software please contact me I almost certainly have a job opportunity for you if you're interested.