A Discord bot written in Elixir regarding... Cats!
This bot has multiple commands mostly regarding cats. Here are the commands:
Name | Usage | Description |
A cat fact | .cat fact | Show a random fact about cats. |
Breed info | .cat breed york chocolate | Get the breed info about York Chocolates. |
A random breed | .cat breed | Get a random breed and info about said breed. |
Random image | .cat random | Get a random cat image from r/cat . |
Random meme | .cat meme | Get a random cat meme from r/Catmeme . |
Invite | .cat invite | Get the invite link for the bot. |
Support | .cat support | Get the link for the support server. |
Vote | .cat vote | Go to the vote url on top.gg! |
Source | .cat source | See the source code. |
Help | .cat help | Show the help menu. |
All of the data is from remote APIs so be sure to check out the source code and see how to use those APIs for your own projects!
If you're using the bot, you can use this pre-made configuration so save you time:
config :nostrum,
token: System.get_env("DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"),
num_shards: :auto
# Configuration for Catlixir
the_cat_api_key =
config :catlixir,
command: System.get_env("DISCORD_BOT_COMMAND") || ".cat",
the_cat_api_key: the_cat_api_key,
invite_url: System.get_env("DISCORD_BOT_INVITE_URL"),
support_url: System.get_env("DISCORD_BOT_SUPPORT"),
port: System.get_env("PORT")
# Configuration for DiscordBotList
config :discord_bot_list,
id: System.get_env("DBL_ID"),
token: System.get_env("DBL_TOKEN")
config :catlixir, Catlixir.Scheduler,
jobs: [
{"* * * * *", &Catlixir.Scheduler.update_dbl_status/0}