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Update AMPLIFY Example (#72)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* updating AMPLIFY

* remove the ProteinTokenizer in favor of the upstream Toeknizer class

* make wasm compatible

* Refactor ferritin-amplify structs to their own files

* allow passing of 120M or 350M

* example into just
  • Loading branch information
zachcp authored Dec 7, 2024
1 parent 57c74d9 commit aec09aa
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Showing 15 changed files with 607 additions and 838 deletions.
423 changes: 14 additions & 409 deletions ferritin-amplify/src/amplify/

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78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions ferritin-amplify/src/amplify/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
use candle_nn::Activation;
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
/// Configuration Struct for AMPLIFY
/// Currently only holds the weight params for
/// those models found on GH: the 120M and 350M models.
pub struct AMPLIFYConfig {
pub hidden_size: usize,
pub num_hidden_layers: usize,
pub num_attention_heads: usize,
pub intermediate_size: usize,
pub dropout_prob: f64,
pub embedding_init_range: f64,
pub decoder_init_range: f64,
pub rms_norm: bool,
pub norm_eps: f64,
pub hidden_act: Activation,
pub layer_norm_after_embedding: bool,
pub layer_norm_before_last_layer: bool,
pub vocab_size: usize,
pub ffn_bias: bool,
pub att_bias: bool,
pub pad_token_id: usize,
pub max_length: usize,

impl Default for AMPLIFYConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl AMPLIFYConfig {
pub fn amp_120m() -> Self {
Self {
hidden_size: 640,
num_hidden_layers: 24,
num_attention_heads: 10,
intermediate_size: 2560,
dropout_prob: 0.0,
embedding_init_range: 0.02,
decoder_init_range: 0.02,
rms_norm: true,
norm_eps: 1e-5,
hidden_act: Activation::Swiglu,
layer_norm_after_embedding: false,
layer_norm_before_last_layer: true,
vocab_size: 27,
ffn_bias: false,
att_bias: false,
pad_token_id: 0,
max_length: 2048,
pub fn amp_350m() -> Self {
Self {
hidden_size: 960,
num_hidden_layers: 32,
num_attention_heads: 15,
intermediate_size: 3840,
dropout_prob: 0.0,
embedding_init_range: 0.02,
decoder_init_range: 0.02,
rms_norm: true,
norm_eps: 1e-5,
hidden_act: Activation::Swiglu,
layer_norm_after_embedding: false,
layer_norm_before_last_layer: true,
vocab_size: 27,
ffn_bias: false,
att_bias: false,
pad_token_id: 0,
max_length: 2048,
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions ferritin-amplify/src/amplify/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
use super::config::AMPLIFYConfig;
use super::rotary::apply_rotary_emb;
use candle_core::{Module, Result, Tensor, D};
use candle_nn::{
linear, linear_no_bias, ops::softmax_last_dim, rms_norm, Dropout, Linear, RmsNorm, VarBuilder,

/// An encoder block in the AMPLIFY transformer architecture.
/// This implements a standard transformer encoder block with:
/// - Multi-head self-attention with rotary positional embeddings
/// - Feed-forward network with SwiGLU activation
/// - RMSNorm for layer normalization
/// # Arguments
/// * `config` - Configuration parameters for the model
/// * `vb` - Variable builder for loading weights
/// * `layer` - Layer index in the transformer stack
/// - [T5](
/// - [distilbert](
/// - [glm4](
/// - [SwiGLu Implementation](
pub struct EncoderBlock {
q: Linear,
k: Linear,
v: Linear,
wo: Linear,
resid_dropout: Dropout,
w12: Linear,
w3: Linear,
ffn_norm: RmsNorm,
attention_norm: RmsNorm,
ffn_dropout: Dropout,
d_head: usize,
config: AMPLIFYConfig,

impl EncoderBlock {
// pub fn new(config: &AMPLIFYConfig, vb: VarBuilder, layer: i32) -> Result<Self> {
// let multiple_of = 8;
// let intermediate_size = (config.intermediate_size * 2) / 3;
// let intermediate_size = multiple_of * ((intermediate_size + multiple_of - 1) / multiple_of);
// let vb = vb.pp(layer);
// let q = linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("q"))?;
// let k = linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("k"))?;
// let v = linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("v"))?;
// let wo = linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("wo"))?;
// let w12 = linear_no_bias(intermediate_size * 2, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("ffn.w12"))?;
// let w3 = linear_no_bias(config.hidden_size, intermediate_size, vb.pp("ffn.w3"))?;
// let ffn_norm = rms_norm(config.hidden_size, config.norm_eps, vb.pp("ffn_norm"))?;
// let attention_norm =
// rms_norm(config.hidden_size, config.norm_eps, vb.pp("attention_norm"))?;

// Ok(Self {
// q,
// k,
// v,
// wo,
// resid_dropout: Dropout::new(config.dropout_prob as f32),
// w12,
// w3,
// attention_norm,
// ffn_norm,
// ffn_dropout: Dropout::new(config.dropout_prob as f32),
// d_head: config.hidden_size / config.num_attention_heads,
// config: config.clone(), // Todo: remove this clone
// })
// }
pub fn forward(
x: &Tensor,
pad_mask: Option<&Tensor>,
freqs_cis: &Tensor,
output_attentions: bool,
) -> Result<(Tensor, Option<Tensor>)> {
let normed = self.attention_norm.forward(x)?;
let (attn, contacts) =
self.attention_block(&normed, pad_mask, freqs_cis, output_attentions)?;
let x = x.add(&attn)?;
let normed = self.ffn_norm.forward(&x)?;
let ffn_output = self.ffn_forward(&normed)?;
let ff = self.ffn_dropout.forward(&ffn_output, false)?; // Todo: pass in the Inference/Training bit
let x = x.add(&ff)?;
Ok((x, contacts))
/// process the FFN Block using swiglu
fn ffn_forward(&self, x: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor> {
// Todo: see if the apply or add can be done di
// Store original batch dimensions
let dims = x.dims();
let batch_shape = &dims[..dims.len() - 1];
// Reshape input to 2D: (batch_size, input_dim)
let x_flat = self.flatten_last_dim(&x)?;
// Apply packed W1W2 linear transformation
let w12_out = self.w12.forward(&x_flat)?;
// Split the output into two halves (for SwiGLU activation)
let chunks = w12_out.chunk(2, 1)?;
let x1 = &chunks[0];
let x2 = &chunks[1];
// Apply SwiGLU: silu(x1) * x2
let hidden = x1.silu()?.mul(x2)?;
// Final linear transformation
let output = self.w3.forward(&hidden)?;
// Reshape back to original batch dimensions
let mut new_shape = batch_shape.to_vec();
fn flatten_last_dim(&self, x: &Tensor) -> Result<Tensor> {
let dims = x.dims();
let last_dim = dims[dims.len() - 1];
let total_elements = dims.iter().product::<usize>();
let first_dim = total_elements / last_dim;
x.reshape((first_dim, last_dim))
fn scaled_dot_product_attention(
query: &Tensor,
key: &Tensor,
value: &Tensor,
attn_mask: Option<&Tensor>,
dropout_p: f64,
is_causal: bool,
) -> Result<Tensor> {
// Calculate attention scores
let d_k = key.dim(key.dims().len() - 1)? as f64;
let scaling = 1.0 / d_k.sqrt();
// (B, H, L, S) = (batch, heads, query_length, key_length)
let scores = (query.matmul(&key.transpose(D::Minus2, D::Minus1)?)? * scaling)?;

// Apply mask if provided
if let Some(mask) = attn_mask {
let scores = scores.add(mask)?;
// Apply softmax
let attn = softmax_last_dim(&scores)?;

// Apply dropout if needed
let attn = if dropout_p > 0.0 {
candle_nn::ops::dropout(&attn, dropout_p as f32)?
} else {
// Final matrix multiplication with values
fn attention_block(
x: &Tensor,
pad_mask: Option<&Tensor>,
freqs_cis: &Tensor,
output_attentions: bool,
) -> Result<(Tensor, Option<Tensor>)> {
// Query, Key, Value projections
let (batch_size, seq_len, _) = x.dims3()?;
// [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]
let xq = self.q.forward(x)?.contiguous()?;
let xk = self.k.forward(x)?.contiguous()?;
let xv = self.v.forward(x)?.contiguous()?;
// Reshape for rotary embeddings
let xq = xq.reshape((
let xk = xk.reshape((
let xv = xv.reshape((
let (xq, xk) = apply_rotary_emb(&xq, &xk, &freqs_cis)?;
let dropout_prob = self.config.dropout_prob;

// need to handle pad_mask better ....
let pad_mask = if let Some(mask) = pad_mask {
let (batch_size, seq_len) = (x.dim(0)?, x.dim(1)?);
let num_heads = self.config.num_attention_heads;

// Following PyTorch's implementation:
// 1. unsqueeze twice to add head dimensions
// 2. repeat to match attention matrix size
let mask = mask
.expand((batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, seq_len))?; // Expand to full attention size
} else {

let attn = self.scaled_dot_product_attention(
&xq.permute((0, 2, 1, 3))?.contiguous()?,
&xk.permute((0, 2, 1, 3))?.contiguous()?,
&xv.permute((0, 2, 1, 3))?.contiguous()?,

// `[batch, num_heads, seq_len, head_dim]` → `[batch, seq_len, num_heads, head_dim]`
let attn = attn.permute((0, 2, 1, 3))?;
let _attn = if output_attentions {
let xq_t = xq.permute((0, 2, 1, 3))?.contiguous()?;
let xk_t = xk.permute((0, 2, 3, 1))?.contiguous()?;
let mut attn_weights = xq_t.matmul(&xk_t)?;
let scale = (xq.dim(D::Minus1)? as f64).sqrt();
attn_weights = (attn_weights / scale)?;
// attn_weights = attn_weights.add(pad_mask)?; <- Todo. Revisit
} else {

// Final projection and dropout
let output = attn.reshape((
self.config.num_attention_heads * self.d_head,
let output01 = self.wo.forward(&output)?;
let output02 = self.resid_dropout.forward(&output01, false)?;
Ok((output02, _attn))
/// Load Weights from a Model
pub fn load(vb: VarBuilder, config: &AMPLIFYConfig, layer: i32) -> Result<Self> {
// To keep the number of parameters and the amount of computation constant, we reduce the number of
// hidden units by a factor of 2/3 ( and make it a multiple of 8 to
// avoid RuntimeError due to misaligned operand
let multiple_of = 8;
let intermediate_size = (config.intermediate_size * 2) / 3;
let intermediate_size = multiple_of * ((intermediate_size + multiple_of - 1) / multiple_of);
let vb = vb.pp(layer); // handle the layer nubmer here.
let q = linear_no_bias(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("q"))?;
let k = linear_no_bias(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("k"))?;
let v = linear_no_bias(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("v"))?;
let wo = linear_no_bias(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("wo"))?;
let w12 = linear_no_bias(config.hidden_size, intermediate_size * 2, vb.pp("ffn.w12"))?;
let w3 = linear_no_bias(intermediate_size, config.hidden_size, vb.pp("ffn.w3"))?;
let ffn_norm = rms_norm(config.hidden_size, config.norm_eps, vb.pp("ffn_norm"))?;
let attention_norm =
rms_norm(config.hidden_size, config.norm_eps, vb.pp("attention_norm"))?;

Ok(Self {
resid_dropout: Dropout::new(config.dropout_prob as f32),
ffn_dropout: Dropout::new(config.dropout_prob as f32),
d_head: config.hidden_size / config.num_attention_heads,
config: config.clone(),
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion ferritin-amplify/src/amplify/
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Expand Up @@ -7,5 +7,7 @@
//! - [Paper](
pub mod amplify;
pub mod config;
pub mod encoder;
pub mod rotary;
pub mod tokenizer;
// pub mod loss;

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