Holds libraries and functions that I commonly use / have made over the years
- Create a general script that creates a project for you. This would include a standardized folder structure and options for generating different types of json-config files or classes.
- Potentially, you could decide which areas of the
that you want to pull into your own project. - Although, it is really nice to be able to update the functions in commons as this is being built up, so that might be a later project in itself.
- Potentially, you could decide which areas of the
- Create a folder that deals with testing methods. For instance, its really annoying to add a new function that you need to test when you are 3/4th of the way through the project. It would be nice to have a means to just "test" a newely made function without a bunch of hassle.
- Create a script / log each function, class, whatever into a json file that would be used for generating statistics across projects (if possible) to find out how you code / structure your projects.