Hi!:hand: I'm yy
- 🏫 I am currently a first-year graduate student at Nanjing University, having obtained my undergraduate bachelor's degree from East China Normal University.
- 🖥️ My major is Software Engineering
- 📧 email:[email protected]
- 📓:https://www.zhihu.com/people/huo-yan-yan-yi-51-15
I am now working on studying open classes at prestigious universities Here is my plan:
- architecture
- CMU 15213 (Pausing)
- Database
- CMU15445 (finishing)
- OS
- MIT6.S081 (Updating)
- ML & DL
- Stanford CS229 (Finishing)
- Stanford CS231n
- DL in Action 李沐 (Updating)
- MIT 6.5940 (Song Han)
- Compiler
- Stanford CS143 (Updating)
- Computer Graphics
- Games 101 (Finishing/ Owe a final project)
- Games 202 (Finishing)
Games 103( Physics is hard to learn for me) - Games 104
I love researching open source code
- bustub (2022 fall)
- p0-p4
- Finished
- xv6 (2021)
- p1-p11
- Finished
- minitorch
- p0
- p1
- p2
- p3 (Pause)
- p4
- tiny-render(updating)
There my plan of reading cs books, welcome to communicate with me. Recently, I am obsessed in computer graphics.
- C++ primer
- Effective C++
- Cuda C++ programming guide
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (3rd Edition)
- Real-Time Rendering (4th Edition)
- Pbrt (3th Edition)