For more information about the usage of the LoRa App Server (REST) API, see
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 or 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyHeaderAuth
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Grpc-Metadata-Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Grpc-Metadata-Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ApplicationServiceApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
body = swagger_client.ApiCreateApplicationRequest() # ApiCreateApplicationRequest |
# Create creates the given application.
api_response = api_instance.create(body)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ApplicationServiceApi->create: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApplicationServiceApi | create | POST /api/applications | Create creates the given application. |
ApplicationServiceApi | create_http_integration | POST /api/applications/{integration.application_id}/integrations/http | CreateHTTPIntegration creates a HTTP application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | create_influx_db_integration | POST /api/applications/{integration.application_id}/integrations/influxdb | CreateInfluxDBIntegration create an InfluxDB application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | create_things_board_integration | POST /api/applications/{integration.application_id}/integrations/thingsboard | CreateThingsBoardIntegration creates a ThingsBoard application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/applications/{id} | Delete deletes the given application. |
ApplicationServiceApi | delete_http_integration | DELETE /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations/http | DeleteIntegration deletes the HTTP application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | delete_influx_db_integration | DELETE /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations/influxdb | DeleteInfluxDBIntegration deletes the InfluxDB application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | delete_things_board_integration | DELETE /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations/thingsboard | DeleteThingsBoardIntegration deletes the ThingsBoard application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | get | GET /api/applications/{id} | Get returns the requested application. |
ApplicationServiceApi | get_http_integration | GET /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations/http | GetHTTPIntegration returns the HTTP application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | get_influx_db_integration | GET /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations/influxdb | GetInfluxDBIntegration returns the InfluxDB application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | get_things_board_integration | GET /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations/thingsboard | GetThingsBoardIntegration returns the ThingsBoard application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | list | GET /api/applications | List lists the available applications. |
ApplicationServiceApi | list_integrations | GET /api/applications/{application_id}/integrations | ListIntegrations lists all configured integrations. |
ApplicationServiceApi | update | PUT /api/applications/{} | Update updates the given application. |
ApplicationServiceApi | update_http_integration | PUT /api/applications/{integration.application_id}/integrations/http | UpdateHTTPIntegration updates the HTTP application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | update_influx_db_integration | PUT /api/applications/{integration.application_id}/integrations/influxdb | UpdateInfluxDBIntegration updates the InfluxDB application-integration. |
ApplicationServiceApi | update_things_board_integration | PUT /api/applications/{integration.application_id}/integrations/thingsboard | UpdateThingsBoardIntegration updates the ThingsBoard application-integration. |
DeviceProfileServiceApi | create | POST /api/device-profiles | Create creates the given device-profile. |
DeviceProfileServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/device-profiles/{id} | Delete deletes the device-profile matching the given id. |
DeviceProfileServiceApi | get | GET /api/device-profiles/{id} | Get returns the device-profile matching the given id. |
DeviceProfileServiceApi | list | GET /api/device-profiles | List lists the available device-profiles. |
DeviceProfileServiceApi | update | PUT /api/device-profiles/{} | Update updates the given device-profile. |
DeviceQueueServiceApi | enqueue | POST /api/devices/{device_queue_item.dev_eui}/queue | Enqueue adds the given item to the device-queue. |
DeviceQueueServiceApi | flush | DELETE /api/devices/{dev_eui}/queue | Flush flushes the downlink device-queue. |
DeviceQueueServiceApi | list | GET /api/devices/{dev_eui}/queue | List lists the items in the device-queue. |
DeviceServiceApi | activate | POST /api/devices/{device_activation.dev_eui}/activate | Activate (re)activates the device (only when ABP is set to true). |
DeviceServiceApi | create | POST /api/devices | Create creates the given device. |
DeviceServiceApi | create_keys | POST /api/devices/{device_keys.dev_eui}/keys | CreateKeys creates the given device-keys. |
DeviceServiceApi | deactivate | DELETE /api/devices/{dev_eui}/activation | Deactivate de-activates the device. |
DeviceServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/devices/{dev_eui} | Delete deletes the device matching the given DevEUI. |
DeviceServiceApi | delete_keys | DELETE /api/devices/{dev_eui}/keys | DeleteKeys deletes the device-keys for the given DevEUI. |
DeviceServiceApi | get | GET /api/devices/{dev_eui} | Get returns the device matching the given DevEUI. |
DeviceServiceApi | get_activation | GET /api/devices/{dev_eui}/activation | GetActivation returns the current activation details of the device (OTAA and ABP). |
DeviceServiceApi | get_keys | GET /api/devices/{dev_eui}/keys | GetKeys returns the device-keys for the given DevEUI. |
DeviceServiceApi | get_random_dev_addr | POST /api/devices/{dev_eui}/getRandomDevAddr | GetRandomDevAddr returns a random DevAddr taking the NwkID prefix into account. |
DeviceServiceApi | list | GET /api/devices | List returns the available devices. |
DeviceServiceApi | stream_event_logs | GET /api/devices/{dev_eui}/events | StreamEventLogs stream the device events (uplink payloads, ACKs, joins, errors). * This endpoint is intended for debugging only. * This endpoint does not work from a web-browser. |
DeviceServiceApi | stream_frame_logs | GET /api/devices/{dev_eui}/frames | StreamFrameLogs streams the uplink and downlink frame-logs for the given DevEUI. * These are the raw LoRaWAN frames and this endpoint is intended for debugging only. * This endpoint does not work from a web-browser. |
DeviceServiceApi | update | PUT /api/devices/{device.dev_eui} | Update updates the device matching the given DevEUI. |
DeviceServiceApi | update_keys | PUT /api/devices/{device_keys.dev_eui}/keys | UpdateKeys updates the device-keys. |
FUOTADeploymentServiceApi | create_for_device | POST /api/devices/{dev_eui}/fuota-deployments | CreateForDevice creates a deployment for the given DevEUI. |
FUOTADeploymentServiceApi | get | GET /api/fuota-deployments/{id} | Get returns the fuota deployment for the given id. |
FUOTADeploymentServiceApi | get_deployment_device | GET /api/fuota-deployments/{fuota_deployment_id}/devices/{dev_eui} | GetDeploymentDevice returns the deployment device. |
FUOTADeploymentServiceApi | list | GET /api/fuota-deployments | List lists the fuota deployments. |
FUOTADeploymentServiceApi | list_deployment_devices | GET /api/fuota-deployments/{fuota_deployment_id}/devices | ListDeploymentDevices lists the devices (and status) for the given fuota deployment ID. |
GatewayProfileServiceApi | create | POST /api/gateway-profiles | Create creates the given gateway-profile. |
GatewayProfileServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/gateway-profiles/{id} | Delete deletes the gateway-profile matching the given id. |
GatewayProfileServiceApi | get | GET /api/gateway-profiles/{id} | Get returns the gateway-profile matching the given id. |
GatewayProfileServiceApi | list | GET /api/gateway-profiles | List returns the existing gateway-profiles. |
GatewayProfileServiceApi | update | PUT /api/gateway-profiles/{} | Update updates the given gateway-profile. |
GatewayServiceApi | create | POST /api/gateways | Create creates the given gateway. |
GatewayServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/gateways/{id} | Delete deletes the gateway matching the given mac address. |
GatewayServiceApi | get | GET /api/gateways/{id} | Get returns the gateway for the requested mac address. |
GatewayServiceApi | get_last_ping | GET /api/gateways/{gateway_id}/pings/last | GetLastPing returns the last emitted ping and gateways receiving this ping. |
GatewayServiceApi | get_stats | GET /api/gateways/{gateway_id}/stats | GetStats lists the gateway stats given the query parameters. |
GatewayServiceApi | list | GET /api/gateways | List lists the gateways. |
GatewayServiceApi | stream_frame_logs | GET /api/gateways/{gateway_id}/frames | StreamFrameLogs streams the uplink and downlink frame-logs for the given gateway ID. Notes: * These are the raw LoRaWAN frames and this endpoint is intended for debugging only. * This endpoint does not work from a web-browser. |
GatewayServiceApi | update | PUT /api/gateways/{} | Update updates the gateway matching the given mac address. |
InternalServiceApi | branding | GET /api/internal/branding | Get the branding for the UI |
InternalServiceApi | global_search | GET /api/internal/search | Perform a global search. |
InternalServiceApi | login | POST /api/internal/login | Log in a user |
InternalServiceApi | profile | GET /api/internal/profile | Get the current user's profile |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | add_device | POST /api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/devices | AddDevice adds the given device to the multicast-group. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | create | POST /api/multicast-groups | Create creates the given multicast-group. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/multicast-groups/{id} | Delete deletes a multicast-group given an ID. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | enqueue | POST /api/multicast-groups/{multicast_queue_item.multicast_group_id}/queue | Enqueue adds the given item to the multicast-queue. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | flush_queue | DELETE /api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/queue | FlushQueue flushes the multicast-group queue. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | get | GET /api/multicast-groups/{id} | Get returns a multicast-group given an ID. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | list | GET /api/multicast-groups | List lists the available multicast-groups. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | list_queue | GET /api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/queue | ListQueue lists the items in the multicast-group queue. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | remove_device | DELETE /api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/devices/{dev_eui} | RemoveDevice removes the given device from the multicast-group. |
MulticastGroupServiceApi | update | PUT /api/multicast-groups/{} | Update updates the given multicast-group. |
NetworkServerServiceApi | create | POST /api/network-servers | Create creates the given network-server. |
NetworkServerServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/network-servers/{id} | Delete deletes the network-server matching the given id. |
NetworkServerServiceApi | get | GET /api/network-servers/{id} | Get returns the network-server matching the given id. |
NetworkServerServiceApi | list | GET /api/network-servers | List lists the available network-servers. |
NetworkServerServiceApi | update | PUT /api/network-servers/{} | Update updates the given network-server. |
OrganizationServiceApi | add_user | POST /api/organizations/{organization_user.organization_id}/users | Add a new user to an organization. |
OrganizationServiceApi | create | POST /api/organizations | Create a new organization. |
OrganizationServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/organizations/{id} | Delete an organization. |
OrganizationServiceApi | delete_user | DELETE /api/organizations/{organization_id}/users/{user_id} | Delete a user from an organization. |
OrganizationServiceApi | get | GET /api/organizations/{id} | Get data for a particular organization. |
OrganizationServiceApi | get_user | GET /api/organizations/{organization_id}/users/{user_id} | Get data for a particular organization user. |
OrganizationServiceApi | list | GET /api/organizations | Get organization list. |
OrganizationServiceApi | list_users | GET /api/organizations/{organization_id}/users | Get organization's user list. |
OrganizationServiceApi | update | PUT /api/organizations/{} | Update an existing organization. |
OrganizationServiceApi | update_user | PUT /api/organizations/{organization_user.organization_id}/users/{organization_user.user_id} | Update a user in an organization. |
ServiceProfileServiceApi | create | POST /api/service-profiles | Create creates the given service-profile. |
ServiceProfileServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/service-profiles/{id} | Delete deletes the service-profile matching the given id. |
ServiceProfileServiceApi | get | GET /api/service-profiles/{id} | Get returns the service-profile matching the given id. |
ServiceProfileServiceApi | list | GET /api/service-profiles | List lists the available service-profiles. |
ServiceProfileServiceApi | update | PUT /api/service-profiles/{} | Update updates the given serviceprofile. |
UserServiceApi | create | POST /api/users | Create a new user. |
UserServiceApi | delete | DELETE /api/users/{id} | Delete a user. |
UserServiceApi | get | GET /api/users/{id} | Get data for a particular user. |
UserServiceApi | list | GET /api/users | Get user list. |
UserServiceApi | update | PUT /api/users/{} | Update an existing user. |
UserServiceApi | update_password | PUT /api/users/{user_id}/password | UpdatePassword updates a password. |
- ApiActivateDeviceRequest
- ApiAddDeviceToMulticastGroupRequest
- ApiAddOrganizationUserRequest
- ApiApplication
- ApiApplicationListItem
- ApiBrandingResponse
- ApiCreateApplicationRequest
- ApiCreateApplicationResponse
- ApiCreateDeviceKeysRequest
- ApiCreateDeviceProfileRequest
- ApiCreateDeviceProfileResponse
- ApiCreateDeviceRequest
- ApiCreateFUOTADeploymentForDeviceRequest
- ApiCreateFUOTADeploymentForDeviceResponse
- ApiCreateGatewayProfileRequest
- ApiCreateGatewayProfileResponse
- ApiCreateGatewayRequest
- ApiCreateHTTPIntegrationRequest
- ApiCreateInfluxDBIntegrationRequest
- ApiCreateMulticastGroupRequest
- ApiCreateMulticastGroupResponse
- ApiCreateNetworkServerRequest
- ApiCreateNetworkServerResponse
- ApiCreateOrganizationRequest
- ApiCreateOrganizationResponse
- ApiCreateServiceProfileRequest
- ApiCreateServiceProfileResponse
- ApiCreateThingsBoardIntegrationRequest
- ApiCreateUserRequest
- ApiCreateUserResponse
- ApiDevice
- ApiDeviceActivation
- ApiDeviceKeys
- ApiDeviceListItem
- ApiDeviceProfile
- ApiDeviceProfileListItem
- ApiDeviceQueueItem
- ApiDownlinkFrameLog
- ApiDownlinkTXInfo
- ApiEncryptedFineTimestamp
- ApiEnqueueDeviceQueueItemRequest
- ApiEnqueueDeviceQueueItemResponse
- ApiEnqueueMulticastQueueItemRequest
- ApiEnqueueMulticastQueueItemResponse
- ApiFUOTADeployment
- ApiFUOTADeploymentDeviceListItem
- ApiFUOTADeploymentDeviceState
- ApiFUOTADeploymentListItem
- ApiGateway
- ApiGatewayBoard
- ApiGatewayListItem
- ApiGatewayProfile
- ApiGatewayProfileExtraChannel
- ApiGatewayProfileListItem
- ApiGatewayStats
- ApiGetApplicationResponse
- ApiGetDeviceActivationResponse
- ApiGetDeviceKeysResponse
- ApiGetDeviceProfileResponse
- ApiGetDeviceResponse
- ApiGetFUOTADeploymentDeviceResponse
- ApiGetFUOTADeploymentResponse
- ApiGetGatewayProfileResponse
- ApiGetGatewayResponse
- ApiGetGatewayStatsResponse
- ApiGetHTTPIntegrationResponse
- ApiGetInfluxDBIntegrationResponse
- ApiGetLastPingResponse
- ApiGetMulticastGroupResponse
- ApiGetNetworkServerResponse
- ApiGetOrganizationResponse
- ApiGetOrganizationUserResponse
- ApiGetRandomDevAddrResponse
- ApiGetServiceProfileResponse
- ApiGetThingsBoardIntegrationResponse
- ApiGetUserResponse
- ApiGlobalSearchResponse
- ApiGlobalSearchResult
- ApiHTTPIntegration
- ApiHTTPIntegrationHeader
- ApiInfluxDBIntegration
- ApiInfluxDBPrecision
- ApiIntegrationKind
- ApiIntegrationListItem
- ApiListApplicationResponse
- ApiListDeviceProfileResponse
- ApiListDeviceQueueItemsResponse
- ApiListDeviceResponse
- ApiListFUOTADeploymentDevicesResponse
- ApiListFUOTADeploymentResponse
- ApiListGatewayProfilesResponse
- ApiListGatewayResponse
- ApiListIntegrationResponse
- ApiListMulticastGroupQueueItemsResponse
- ApiListMulticastGroupResponse
- ApiListNetworkServerResponse
- ApiListOrganizationResponse
- ApiListOrganizationUsersResponse
- ApiListServiceProfileResponse
- ApiListUserResponse
- ApiLoginRequest
- ApiLoginResponse
- ApiMulticastGroup
- ApiMulticastGroupListItem
- ApiMulticastGroupType
- ApiMulticastQueueItem
- ApiNetworkServer
- ApiNetworkServerListItem
- ApiOrganization
- ApiOrganizationLink
- ApiOrganizationListItem
- ApiOrganizationUser
- ApiOrganizationUserListItem
- ApiPingRX
- ApiProfileResponse
- ApiProfileSettings
- ApiRatePolicy
- ApiServiceProfile
- ApiServiceProfileListItem
- ApiStreamDeviceEventLogsResponse
- ApiStreamDeviceFrameLogsResponse
- ApiStreamGatewayFrameLogsResponse
- ApiThingsBoardIntegration
- ApiUpdateApplicationRequest
- ApiUpdateDeviceKeysRequest
- ApiUpdateDeviceProfileRequest
- ApiUpdateDeviceRequest
- ApiUpdateGatewayProfileRequest
- ApiUpdateGatewayRequest
- ApiUpdateHTTPIntegrationRequest
- ApiUpdateInfluxDBIntegrationRequest
- ApiUpdateMulticastGroupRequest
- ApiUpdateNetworkServerRequest
- ApiUpdateOrganizationRequest
- ApiUpdateOrganizationUserRequest
- ApiUpdateServiceProfileRequest
- ApiUpdateThingsBoardIntegrationRequest
- ApiUpdateUserPasswordRequest
- ApiUpdateUserRequest
- ApiUplinkFrameLog
- ApiUplinkRXInfo
- ApiUser
- ApiUserListItem
- ApiUserOrganization
- CommonLocation
- CommonLocationSource
- CommonModulation
- GwDelayTimingInfo
- GwDownlinkTiming
- GwFSKModulationInfo
- GwFineTimestampType
- GwGPSEpochTimingInfo
- GwImmediatelyTimingInfo
- GwLoRaModulationInfo
- GwPlainFineTimestamp
- GwUplinkTXInfo
- ProtobufAny
- RuntimeStreamError
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Grpc-Metadata-Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Yuregir TEKELI