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yshui edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 7 revisions

Note: These policies have not been battle tested, and are therefore subject to change if proven impractical.

Non-volatile branches

Non-volatile branches mean these branches are not likely to be force pushed against. These branches include:

  • master: releases are tagged off this branch. It can very rarely be force pushed to prevent it from drifting too far from next.
  • next: the main develop branch
  • stable/*: the stable branches. Fixes in next will be backported to the newest stable branch. This is where the minor version number releases are tagged off.

Volatile branches

These branches might be force pushed:

  • v?-pre: These branches are used for preparing releases. They are created by rebasing next on top of master (the next branch itself doesn't change). Fixes from next will be merged into these branches so they are included for release. These branches will eventually be deleted after release.
  • dev: This is for my personal use only.
  • Everything else: All branches not mentioned here is volatile.
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