I am a French software and web developer with 6 years of experience. I have learned Java and Python languages. I have a strong background in back-end development using languages such as PHP and Node.js, as well as experience in front-end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with frameworks such as React. I am passionate about creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. I am always eager to learn new technologies and stay current with industry trends.
- baccalaureate in Computer Science and Mathematical, Lycée Georges Baumont Saint-Dié-Des-Vosges, Graduated in 2022
- Licence professional of Science in Computer Science, Monptpelier University at Séte for the first year and at ULCO of Calais for the last 2 years, not actualy Graduated
- Programming languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, R
- Frameworks: React, Node, pygame, tkinter, spigot, express
- Databases: MySQL, SQL
- Other: Git, Agile development, shell
- PortFolio
- Description: A showcase website to present myself
- apartment rental
- Description: A VPS with several websites, applications, mail servers and other, with an nginx reverse proxy
- apartment rental
- Description: A showcase website for show rental and availability with admin systeme.
- Project Name
- Description: A 2D online video game with server and client.
- History of programming languages
- Description: A website with description of programming langages with mini-games.
- PeaceFullRPG
- Description: A 2D rpg video game with quest, there are no aim, just discover the wolrd.
I not use GitHub every days or week, but I have learn gitHub with git bash. I think I can understand and make a medium commande without great difficulty.