An micro-app that let's you see game information on any particular day and details about that day, specifically the innings and the statistics of the batters.
Vue.js - learnt it today to build the app, I've always wanted to build something with it, perfect opp to do so
Webpack - bundling tool (will use poi in the future)
NPM - do we even have to list this anymore? haha
PostCSS - it's better than SASS, seriously
CSSNext - a plugin for PostCSS, makes media queries and reusable classes
Lodash - array and collection fxs
Moment.js - time and date formatting
Express.js - node based server for prod deployment
CSSGrid - upcoming, amazing css layout spec, flexbox was great, this is incredible
Check package.json for other dependencies
# download repository
git clone
cd mlb_games
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080, development build
npm run dev
# production build at localhost:8000 (RECOMMENDED)
npm run build && npm start
You can also check out the deployed app on: Deployed on Heroku
- breakdown certain pieces in views to smaller components for more robustness
- fix ESLint not detecting PostCSS and CSSNext done
- construct component methods around promises, especially when method itself contains an async
- Rewrite all CSS with BEM methodology