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A set of vim, git and tmux configuration files.

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git clone [email protected]:ya-luotao/dotfiles ~/Workspace/dotfiles

Install rcm:

brew install rcm

Install the dotfiles:

env RCRC=$HOME/Workspace/dotfiles/rcrc rcup



Create new dotfile link

mkrc ~/.tmuxinator/proj.yml

What's in it?

tmux configuration:

  • Set prefix to Ctrl+g.
  • Improve color resolution.

vim configuration:

  • Use vim-plug to manage plugins.
  • Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
  • Use Tagbar to view the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure, map <leader>tag to :TagbarToggle.
  • Set <leader> to ,.
  • Switch between the last two files with <leader><leader>.

Shell aliases and scripts:

  • ll for ls -lha.
  • mux for tmux.
  • path for echo $PATH | tr -s ":" "\n" to pretty print the path.
  • gitlog for git log --format="%Cgreen%h%Creset %C(yellow)%aN%Creset: %s" --no-merges to pretty print the git log.
  • dotfiles for cd ~/Workspace/dotfiles.
  • workspace for cd ~/Workspace.