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Extended INI library for .NET [ Fast, save, simple ]


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Extended INI library for .NET

Library is providing a fast, save and simple manipulation for INI files and content, together with additional features.


Current stable version -


  • Reads ini data from multiple different sources: file, stream or string
  • Writes ini data to multiple different destinations: file, stream or ini object
  • Manipulation with notes (w/r)
  • Generate real-time ini from string (using String.Format parameters or String.Concat variables)
  • Specify custom output formating (by deriving own one)
  • Specify own settings for parser (on/off functionality + specify format of ini data)
  • Extended features: Inheritance between sections, overriding by new values, including ini files in ini file
  • Functions with exceptions and without exceptions (choise is yours)
  • Generic conversion of values (in form of methods and own convertors)
  • Replacing of non-valid values with custom default ones
  • Detection of file encoding or user specified encoding (BOM detection)
  • OOP manipulation with ini data (sections, pairs, etc.)
  • Merge functionality (merging two ini objects together)
  • Adding of ini content in form of string into ini object


Creation of parser with own custom settings & parsing:

IniParser parser = new IniParser();
parser.OnError += (msg, type) => { Console.WriteLine(msg); };   // to see errors, warnings, infos..
parser.Settings = new IniParserSettings()   // not nessesary, there is default preset
  CaseSensitiveSections = true,         // support for case-sensitive section names, i.e. [A], [a] both can exist in same moment
  CreateGlobalSection = true,           // creates global section on the start of the file, we can also call it unnamed, i.e. [] or nothing used
  EndSectionWithBlankLine = false,      // blank line = new line (Enviroment.NewLine)
  PostNotesToLastSection = true,        // notes in the end of the file not associated with anything will be associated with last section
  BlankLinesAsNotes = true,             // new lines and tabs (\t) will be included in notes (notes = comments)
  ReadNotes = true,                     // ignore or parse notes?
  WriteNotes = true,                    // write parsed and created notes back?
  Includes = UseOfIncludes.Read,        // includes gives you way to link to the another INI file
  NoteSymbol = "#",                     // prefix for notes
  DefaultExtension = ".ex-ini",         // default file extension used by parser
  InheritanceChar = ":",                // symbol for inheritance
  SectionStartChar = "[",               // prefix for section start
  SectionEndChar = "]",                 // postfix for section end
  PairOperator = "=",                   // symbol for key-value pair
  RelativePathSymbol = @"~",            // symbol used for recognizing relative paths in includes
  IncludeStartChar = "<",               // prefix for include start
  IncludeEndChar = ">",                 // postfix for include end

// Another way of creating INI object via associated parser
INI ini = new INI(input, parser.Settings, true);
parser.Load(ini); // parser will fill up INI object with parsed data

// Parsing ini content from file
var IniObject = parser.Load(@"C:\myfile.ini");

// Parsing ini content from string
string s = "x=xyz;#commenting first section;[XXX];KEY=VALUE;#comment;A=B;[C];[D:C];f=Z;[YXZ];TEXT=LOL";
var IniObject2 = parser.Load(s, ';');

Editing ini object

// Add/Remove section
ini.AddSection(new Section("TEST"));

// Remove all sections from the INI object

// Get section & change properties
var section = ini["MySection"];         // via indexer (can throw error if section do not exists)
section = ini.TryGetSection("MySection");   // via method (error-free)
section.Name = "myNewName";             // change name of section
section.Notes.Add("My new note...");    // list of associated notes for section

// Read section/key
var value = ini.GetValue("Main", "Key");    // Read 'Key' from section 'Main'
var value1 = ini.GetValue("Main", "Key", "Yes");  // Read 'Key' from section 'Main' with default value set to 'Yes'
var value2 = ini.GetValue<bool>(true, Convert.ToBoolean, "Main", "Key2"); // Read again but convert the result into bool via existing or custom handler

// Add string containing ini data into some existing ini object
parser.AddStringData(ini, @"[NewSection];k=v;another=value;", ";");

// Enumerate ini object sections
foreach (var section in ini)

// Enumerate sections, section names via IEnumerable<T>

// Check existence of section/key
if(ini.KeyExists("section", "key")) {}
if(ini.SectionExists("section")) {}

// Get 'key=value' pairs of some section
var pairs = ini.GetValues("section");

// Get global section, global means: '[]' or unnamed/unspecified section on the start of the file
var main = ini.Global;

// Get includes as Dictionary<string, List<Include>>, where 'string' is section where include(s) belongs and 'List<Include>' is the list of the includes
var incl = ini.Includes;

// Settings for this INI object used by the parser when interacting (some ini objects can have different settings)
var cfg = ini.Settings;

// Encoding & filename associated with this INI object (optional - used only by parser when parsing from file, these can be explicitly specified when parser 'Load(..)' is called, usefull when ur saving/loading content of same ini file with same encoding always)

// Whole inheritance of some section, returns pairs (normally inheritance takes into account only base section)

// Monitoring changes on INI object (not all currently, like pairs)
ini.Changed += (str, state) => { Console.WriteLine("INI Action on key: {0}, state: {1}", str, state); };

// For more check constructors & overloads...

Section object

var mySection = ini.TryGetSection("section");

// Parent of the section, we derive from it

mySection.GetValue("key");  // error-free

mySection.GetValues(true);  // Returns pairs plus derived pairs, see overloads for more..
mySection.Pairs;  // Returns just pairs of the section, not derived ones

Saving of ini object

// Save as new filename (ini content is saved into specified location on HDD, same file is auto-overwritten!)
parser.Save(IniObject, @"C:\myfile_2.cfg");

// Print into console stream (ini content is written into console stream with specified encoding and formatting based on the settings of parser)
parser.Save(IniObject, Console.OpenStandardOutput(), ini.Encoding, new IniFormat(parser.Settings));

// Save into memory stream
using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
  parser.Save(ini, ms, ini.Encoding, new IniFormat(parser.Settings));

Merging two ini object together

// Merges everything from section B into section A (like: new pairs in B, overriden values from B, new sections in B, but not inheritance)
INI.Merge(ini1, ini2);
// Section B will override inheritance in section A
INI Merge(ini1, ini2, true);
// Section B will override or adds new includes from B into A, but not notes associated with includes in B (include notes are not supported right now in merging)
INI.Merge(ini1, ini2, true, true);

// First ini (A) will became MERGED INI, so backup ini A if you need it for some reason unchanged..
var backupIni = new INI()
  Encoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8,
  Settings = parser.Setting,
INI.Merge(backupIni, ini1); // This will merge content of ini1 (A) into new clear ini (backup) -> deep copy

// Or you can use shallow copy but both objects will share same data, so do not call ini1.Clear()
parser.ReferenceCopyTo(ini1, backupIni);


[!] Library supports .NET 3.5+

[?] Rest of the documentation will be added soon on Wiki...


Extended INI library for .NET [ Fast, save, simple ]








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