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C++ library to handle metric type and conversion

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Metrics library provides strongly typed types to make interfaces and API precise. It also provide implicit conversions on similar types, and explicit conversions on arithmetic.


This library provide types and conversion for:

  • angular speed
  • distance
  • electric current
  • energy
  • force
  • frequency
  • mass
  • power
  • pressure
  • speed
  • voltage
  • volume
  • flowrate

User's Guide

Getting Started

Installing the library

The Metrics library is a header's only library. Just copy the necessary metrics (.hpp file) into your code.


An example of strongly typed signature.

#include <iostream>
#include <metrics.hpp>

void printSpeed(metric::metre distance, std::chrono::minutes duration) // Enforce type used.
	metric::mph speed = distance / duration;
	std::cout << "You're driving at " << speed.count() << " mph" << std::endl;

	// Create a custom speed:
	typedef metric::distance<long long, std::ratio<1852LL, 1LL>> nauticalmile;
	typedef metric::speed<nauticalmile, std::chrono::hours> knot;
	knot speed = distance / duration;
	std::cout << "You're driving at " << speed.count() << " knots" << std::endl;

int main()
	printSpeed(metric::metre(247530), std::chrono::minutes(128));
	return 0;

An example of unit conversion

#include <iostream>
#include <metrics.hpp>

using namespace metric::literals;

template<uint8_t Temperature>
struct waterDensity
    static constexpr double temp = static_cast<double>(Temperature);
    // (Air saturated) Formula source:
    static constexpr double value = 999.84847 + (6.337563 * 0.01) * temp + (-8.523829 * 0.001) * temp * temp + (6.943248 * 0.00001) * temp * temp * temp + (-3.821216 * 0.0000001) * temp * temp * temp * temp;

template<int8_t Temperature>
struct mercuryDensity
    // Formula source:
    static constexpr double value = 13595.1 / (1 + (1.818 * 0.0001 * (Temperature)));

template<typename Density, typename MassType, typename MassRatio>
metric::volume<double, MassRatio> operator/ (const metric::mass<MassType, MassRatio>& m, Density d)
    return metric::volume<double, MassRatio>(m.count() / Density::value);

int main()
    std::cout << "10kg of   water at 25°C = " << metric::volume_cast<metric::millilitre>(10_kg /   waterDensity<25>()).count() << " millilitre" << std::endl;
    std::cout << " 1kg of mercury at  5°C = " << metric::volume_cast<metric::microlitre>( 1_kg / mercuryDensity< 5>()).count() << " microlitre" << std::endl;
    return 0;

known types

ratio literal
angularspeed degree / second 10/1 _degsec
turn / second 3600/1 _rps
turn / minute 60/1 _rpm
turn / hour 1/1 _rph
distance attometre atto _am
femtometre femto _fm
picometre pico _pm
nanometre nano _nm
micrometre micro _um
millimetre milli _mm
centimetre centi _cm
metre 1/1 _m
kilometre kilo _km
megametre mega _Mm
gigametre giga _Gm
terametre tera _Tm
petametre peta _Pm
exametre exa _Em
yard 9144/10000 _yd
inch 254/10000 _in
nauticalmile 1852/1 _nmi
foot 3048/10000 _ft
electric current: femtoampere femto _fA
picoampere pico _pA
nanoampere nano _nA
microampere micro _uA
milliampere milli _mA
ampere 1/1 _A
kiloampere kilo _kA
megaampere mega _MA
energy: microwatthour _uWh
milliwatthour _mWh
watthour _Wh
kilowatthour _kWh
megawatthour _MWh
gigawatthour _GWh
terawatthour _TWh
petawatthour _PWh
joule _j
calorie _c
force: millinewton milli _mN
newton 1/1 _N
decanewton deca _dN
gramforce 980665/100000000 _gf
kilogramforce 980665/100000 _kgf
frequency: millihertz milli _mHz
hertz 1/1 _Hz
kilohertz kilo _kHz
megahertz mega _MHz
gigahertz giga _GHz
mass: nanogram nano _ng
microgram micro _ug
milligram milli _mg
gram 1/1 _g
kilogram kilo _kg
ton mega _ton
power: nanowatt nano _nW
microwatt micro _uW
milliwatt milli _mW
watt 1/1 _W
kilowatt kilo _kW
megawatt mega _MW
gigawatt giga _GW
pressure: millimetremercury 1/760 _mmHg
pascal 1/101325 _Pa
hectopascal 100/101325 _hPa
kilopascal 1000/101325 _kPa
megapascal 1000000/101325 _MPa
gigapascal 1000000000/101325 _GPa
terapascal 1000000000000/101325 _TPa
bar 1000000/1013250 _bar
millibar 1000/1013250 _mbar
microbar 1/1013250 _ubar
speed: micrometre/second _um_sec
micrometre/minute _um_m
micrometre/hour _um_h
millimetre/second _mm_sec
millimetre/minute _mm_m
millimetre/hour _mm_h
millimetre/day _mm_d
metre/second _m_sec
metre/minute _m_m
metre/hour _m_h
metre/day _m_d
voltage: nanovolt nano _nV
microvolt micro _uV
millivolt milli _mV
volt 1/1 _V
kilovolt kilo _kV
megavolt mega _MV
volume: nanolitre nano _nl
microlitre micro _ul
millilitre milli _ml
litre 1/1 _l
kilolitre kilo _kl
megalitre mega _Ml
flowrate: microlitre/second _ul_sec
microlitre/minute _ul_m
microlitre/hour _ul_h
millilitre/second _ml_sec
millilitre/minute _ml_m
millilitre/hour _ml_h
millilitre/day _ml_d


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