This release is dedicated to The Grandmaster of Physical Comedy, Buster Keaton.
- 2f78444 update readme
- 1adf32a cleanup code
- 5248741 print errors to stderr
- db8ac68 add --library flag to load additional Rudi scripts
- ea75efe add yamldocs as output format, automagically read multi-document YAML files as vectors
- 9f297c8 allow to start comments with ';' to make it easier to re-use Clojure syntax highlighting with Rudi
- abc2162 remove unnecessary context return values
- e5caf4b change variables to be function-scoped
- 66b1b02 allow more than one expression in user-defined functions (automatically assume a "(do...)")
- 0111ec3 update copyright
- 6ddddb9 Add support for reading JSON5 (closes #13)
- 6537c24 show more readable code sample in readme