Hi there, I heard from my agent that many people ´_>` solved my challenge last year which was joyful. You might notice something when seeing this challenge name. And yes, last year's challenge was actually a part of this final art. A game started a year ago, lost between 0&1, come from the path and back through the shadow, will you catch the 'Montage' spirit? I'm waiting for you, from the past to the future.
-- A. Monica
$ nc <docker_ip> 10101
- Montagy.sol: the target contract
- Puzzle.sol: the contract deployed during newPuzzle
Let the ETH balance of Montagy contract becomes 0.
$ docker run -d -p 10101:20000 --env-file .env -v `pwd`/contracts:/home/ctf/contracts -v `pwd`/challenge.yml:/home/ctf/challenge.yml chainflag/eth-challenge-base:0.9.2
$ nc localhost 10101
$ docker-compose up -d