This bot connect to Uphold public ticker and retrieve the BTC-USD rate every 5 seconds. Each time it retrieve a new rate, the bot must compare it with the first one and decide if it should alert of an oscillation. All alerts have been saved on database
This project uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Node.js (] - Evented I/O for the backend.
- [Typescript (] - JavaScript with syntax for types.
- [MongoDB (] - Document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need.
- [Jest (] - Testing framework designed to ensure correctness of any JavaScript codebase.
- [Prettier (] - Opinionated code formatter.
- [Eslint (] - A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Maintain your code quality with ease.
- [Docker (] - Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.
This project requires Node.js v14+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
npm install
Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
First step: Check the configuration file
In the '.env' file, we have all bot settings. Feel free to change them:
MONGOOSE_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://localhost:27017/uphold - #Database path
TIMER=5000 - #Timer to get the ticker milliseconds
TICKER_URL= - #Ticker url
PAIR="BTCUSD,BATUSD" - #Array of currency pairs divided by comma
PRICE_CHANGE_PERCENT=0.01 - #Index for price changes in percentage
Second step: Run the project in dev mode
# server with hot reload
$ npm run dev
Third step: Run the test suite
# run tests
$ npm run test
For production release:
# build for production
$ npm run build
# run the project in prd mode
$ npm run start
This project is very easy to run in a Docker container.
By default, the Docker will expose port 3000, so change this within the Dockerfile if necessary.
docker-compose up
- Create automation pipelines for test validation and deploy via gitlab (gitlab-ci.yml)
- Detailing of unit tests
Free Software, Hell Yeah!