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Kyle Johnson edited this page Oct 2, 2022 · 4 revisions


We are using the Netlify CMS to manage many, but not all, of the pages on the website. To access the editor, go to You will need to login with your GitHub credentials, and only team members who have write access to the kodi-tv repo can add or edit store items.


When you first log in, you'll be presented with a list of existing blog posts. On the left hand side you should select one of the page groups (About Pages, Add-on Pages, Contribute Pages, Donate Pages, or Download Pages) to get the Contents list for that section of pages. From here, you can search, sort, select - and then either edit a published page, or create a new one.

Adding a New Page

Once you have logged in and switched to the appropriate page section list, you can click the button labeled New Page in the upper right part of the page. Pages have a filename, title, breadcrumbs, and a body.


  • The filename is the name that the CMS will use to save the file (and what would be used to reference this page in any links).
  • The breadcrumbs are added to the metadata a browser uses to populate the tab title. Breadcrumbs are in the format <Section> | <Page>.
  • Page bodies can have special widgets that are used for advanced features and display. Please see the Widgets section below for more information.

The preview pane on the right will show you exactly how the page will look on the main site (excluding the site footer). There are a couple of widgets that can't be rendered in the preview, so you will see a note indicating that widget isn't available for live preview.

You can save Pages at any time, and a Page must be saved at least one before you can publish it. Once saved, to publish a Page you set the status to READY and then select the PUBLISH NOW option from the publish menu. This will generate a series of commits to the main branch, and that will trigger a site build.

Special Widgets

For certain advanced layout options, a Page may include one or more widgets. Widgets are added by including the text:

x-section-x <widgetname> x-section-x

in the location where you want the widget to show. You can move widgets around by repositioning the above text. Widgets are pre-built and pre-defined, so if you need a new widget, please submit an issue to this repo so that one of the website admins can help you. Here are a list of the currently available widgets:

  • downloadlist: displays an icon list of all the available distributions of Kodi. This widget does not provide a live preview.
  • sponsorlist: displays a list of all Kodi's sponsors by sponsor level. This widget does not provide a live preview.
  • aboutdisclaimer: shows a card with a disclaimer message regarding the fact that Kodi comes with no content.
  • aboutgallery: shows a set of cards with Kodi's major feature categories and descriptions.
  • contactnote: shows a card with additional information about who should contact us via email.
  • contributegallery: shows a set of cards with all the ways people can contribute to the Kodi project.
  • downloadnotice: similar to aboutdisclaimer but with different language
  • officialremotes: a list of the official Kodi software remotes with QR codes to download.
  • otherwaystohelp: a button linking to the /contribute/ page.
  • jointheteam: a button linking to the /contribute/developers/ page.
  • vistingsponsoring: a button linking to the /about/sponsors page.

Editing a Published Page

Find the Page you want to edit and open it. Once you open an entry, you get the same editor you used to create a Page. Once you save it, you again need to set the store item status to READY and the use the PUBLISH NOW option in the publish menu.

Editing a Page

When you save a Page, but don't publish it, it will not appear on the initial contents list: this is purely a list of published Pages.

Instead, go to Workflow at the top of the screen to call up store items in various stages of their lifecycle: Draft, In Review, or Ready (based on whatever status is set when editing a a store item).


About this wiki
Information on Site Builds

Routine Editing

Blog Posts
Download Distributions
Store Items
Featured Add-Ons

Advanced Editing

Installing GatsbyJS Locally
Notes on Editing Pages

Dynamic Content


Site Template

coming soon

Custom JSX Modules

coming soon

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