** TODO: Finish this project :) **
This is (ehm "will be") the Detectino Alarm project.
The project is made by 3 parts:
- some hardware: https://github.com/xadhoom/dt-expander-hardware
- software for the hardware: https://github.com/xadhoom/dt-expander
- self
Detectino Core is the software part that will run over a RaspberryPi B+ and handles all events sent by alarm sensors over CAN bus (mediated by the Arduino Detectino piggy back board).
Core provides all the logic to handle alarms, trigger notifications and a web interface to configure or activate/deactivate the alarm system.
Detectino is born to create a professional grade alarm system, for 2 main reasons:
- commercial systems cannot be easily expanded with custom hardware/software (read: a stupid https board costs big bucks and have no public APIs);
- arduino/raspberry alarm systems are pretty... "meh";
- be able to use commercial alarm sensors, because they're the ones that just work;
- learn something new: basic hardware skills and Elixir (http://elixir-lang.org/).
Right now this project is running in my home with 4 outdoor sensors and 1 indoor.
All alarms are reported by email (for now).
A tablet in kiosk mode fixed on a wall provides the access to the web frontend.
TODO: add some nice pics and some more docs