created: Apr 2020
Data stores original raw data what are included in the subfolder analysis FenceBehavior_Official analysis for the BaBA paper, include the BaBA package, data prep, data visualization NSDtables early on when exploring population movement pattern in general sample code movement analysis example R code Discard info but we never know when it will be useful again script the foundation script (script used for the paper are in FenceBehavior_Official). More details below.
- (Step 1-3) preprocess, clean data, add NA lines (where time inserted but location remains NA), create SHP files
- (Step 4-6) NSD calculation and migration cycle visualization. Output used for summarizing data conditions in the visual folder
- (Step 7-8) Classifying fence behaviors. One dividual and group processing.
- Step 9 Examine whether encounter types has anything to do with migration types
- (01-04) analysis prototype for BaBA package/paper
- Discard - script you never know whether will become useful again