Barrier Behaviour Analysis (BaBA) is a spatial- and temporal-explicit method to identify and classify barrier behaviors, fence behaviors in our case, based on GPS tracking data and linear spatial features. Barrier behaviors can be used to examine permeability of barriers for animal movement.
The 6 kinds of behaviors that BaBA classifies is: bounce, trace, back-n-forth, average movement, quick cross, trapped. See illustration:
To install the latest development version of BaBA, in an R session, type:
V2.2 (Dec 5, 2024)
- improved visuals of exported images for "bounce" and "quick cross".
V2.1 (April 23, 2024)
- fixed issues related to straightness calculation that produces excessive "unknown" results
- fixed issues related to tolerance in the new sf-based function
V2.0 (September 27, 2023)
- Update package to run on sf instead of sp
- details here
V1.3 (Apr 14, 2023)
- Fixed bug related to "tolerance"
V1.2 (May 26, 2022)
- Solve encounters and classified encounters mismatch issue
V1.1 (April 10, 2021)
- Improved the visualization of exported images
- Added time unit option and unified all temporal parameter units
Xu W, Dejid N, Herrmann V, Sawyer H, Middleton AD. (2021). Barrier Behaviour Analysis (BaBA) reveals extensive effects of fencing on wide-ranging ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology. 58(4), 690-698.
Xu, W., Gigliotti, L. C., Royauté, R., Sawyer, H., & Middleton, A. D. (2023). Fencing amplifies individual differences in movement with implications on survival for two migratory ungulates. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(3), 677-689.