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Custom IC Creator Simulation Tools



This is a script package I use to control ngspice, it can

  • Run corner simulations
  • Create IPs (used in wulffern/aicex )
  • Create simulation directories
  • View waveforms


Version Status Comment
0.0.1 First version of cicsim
0.0.3 All in on open source tools
0.1.2 First version on pipy
0.1.3 github action update
0.1.4 Added waveform viewer
0.1.5 Update waveform viewer
0.1.6 wave: added search. Added docs

Install this module

If you want to follow the latest and greatest

git clone
cd cicsim
python3 -m pip install --user -e . 

If you want the latest stable

python3 -m pip install cicsim

Get started with simulation

Head over to Open source analog integrated circuit flow on Skywater 130nm to see cicsim in action.

Get started with waveform viewer

Make sure you install a python version with tk. On my mac it was

brew install python-tk

Once installed, I do

cicsim wave output_tran/tran_SchGtTtKffVh_*


Usage: cicsim [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Custom IC Creator Simulator Tools

  This package provides helper scripts for simulating integrated circuits

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  plot         Plot from rawfile
  portreplace  Replace ${PORTS} and ${VPORTS} with the subcircuit ports...
  results      Results of single runfile
  run          Run a ngspice simulation of TESTBENCH
  simcell      Create a ngspice simulation directory for a Cell
  srun         Run a spectre simulation of TESTBENCH
  summary      Generate simulation summary for results
  wave         Open waveform viewer