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Class Projects/Notes

collection of classnotes, and class projects from MOOCs I took.

Deep Learning notebook

  • Optimizing a neural network with backward propagation
  • Building deep learning models with keras
  • Fine-tuning keras models 100%

Unsupervised Learning in Python notebook

  • Clustering for dataset exploration: k-means clustering, Evaluating a clustering, Transforming features for better clusterings
  • Visualization with hierarchical clustering (dendogram) and t-SNE
  • Decorrelating data and dimension reduction: Principal Component Analysis" ("PCA"), PCA with sparse matrix
  • Discovering interpretable features: dimension reduction technique called "Non-negative matrix factorization" ("NMF")
  • Use NMF to build a recommendation system

Fraud Detection in Python notebook

  • Resample methods for imbalance data: over sampling, under sampling, SMOTE method to
  • Fraud detection using labeled data: supervised learning for fraud detection, Performance metrics for fraud detection, Adjusting algorithm weights, and Using ensemble methods to improve fraud detection
  • Clustering methods for fraud detection ( KMeans, and MiniBatchKMeans), Elbow curve method to judge the right amount of clusters, Assigning fraud versus non-fraud, and DBscan
  • Incooperate text data into fraud detection
  • Topic Modeling on Fraud: Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)

Data Visualization Class notebook

  • Customizing 1D plots: apply ggplot style, reset style to default, add arrow to annotate a graph, rotate axis, legend
  • Plotting 2D arrays: contour plot, 2d histrogram, plot images, histrogram and cumulative distribution function of a gray scale image, Equalizing an image histogram, Extracting bivariate histograms from a color image.
  • Statistical plots with Seaborn: lmplot, residplot, regplot, jointplot, hue, violinplot, striplot, swamplot, pairplot, heatmap
  • Analyzing time series: plot data with datetime index, multiple time slices, inset view

Interactive Visualization with Bokeh notebook

  • Basics Bokeh: maker options, drawing geometrical shape using patch(), plotting pandas dataframe in bokeh, box_select tool, Hover tool, Colormap
  • Building interactive apps with Bokeh: connet Bokeh widgets to a python code.
    For example, generate fit after user select a plot, or change plotting data from a selection panel. Widget options include slider, select (dropdown), button etc.

Time Series Analysis notebook

  • Merging Time Series With Different Dates
  • Correlation, autocorrelation function
  • Linear Regression
  • Random Walk
  • Stationarity, autoregressive (AR) Models
  • Moving Average (MA) Model
  • ARMA model
  • Cointegration Models
  • A Multivariate Time Series

Machine Learning for Time Series Data in Python notebook

  • Classification heartbeat sounds: feature engineering and LinearSVC
  • Regression stock prices
  • Feature engineer time series data: envelope, tempogram, spectrogram, bandwidths, centroids
  • Auto-regressive models
  • cross-validating time series data
  • How to work with non-stationary data, and assesting model stability

Statistic and A/B Testing

  • Analyzed data from the popular mobile game, Cookie Cats. Used bootstrap analysis to compare effectiveness of time pause at level 30 and 40 toward user retention notebook

  • Statistical Analysis in Python: random number generator and hacker statistics Bernoulli trials, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, Probability function, Generate bootstrap replicates, calculate bootstrap confidence intervals, pairs boostrap, Formulating and simulating a null hypothesis, Pipeline for hypothesis testing, A/B testing, Hypothesis test for correlation coefficient notebook

Inferential Statistic notebook

  • Variance, Covariance, and Correlation, Correlation tests: Pearson, Spearman rank, and Kendall Tau
  • Chi-square Test of Independence
  • McNemar test, Independent T-test, Paired Samples t-test, Welch’s t-test, Wilcoxon Sign-Ranked Test
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), ANOVA (2-way, N-way)
  • Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression


projects from MOOCs






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